Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Discharging a lithium-ion battery, what is the third wire for?


John Doe

Well, frankly, no, I didn't but 10 seconds work with Google and
I'd found a document that explained enough for me to have a good
idea what HDQ meant in the context of Lithium batteries.

And did you figure out that it has nothing to do with this thread?
Took less time to find out than it did for you to start a flame

Your mother started a flame war, Linthead.
Doubt it's a TL431. Doubt it's a voltage reference at all. More
likely a temperature sensor or even a simple fuel gauge IC.

More likely you are just a troll, Linthead. I used a digital
microscope, it has "431" printed on it, it is a three pin surface
mount device, and "Google" will tell you that they are used in
current regulation circuits.
Or, perhaps, if it's a digital I/O it could be a streaming data

On a common flashlight, between the battery and the bulb?

But seriously, Linthead, apparently you did not read the original
post either. I am not talking about a CHARGER, I am talking about
out, you just didn't care to read it.

And then there is that thing up there in the subject line that
looks like this "DISCHARGING".
Good oh, so you do know how to use Google.

Probably better than you, Linthead, and I am grown up enough to
call it something other than "Google". Please stop, you sound like
a cave dweller.
Perhaps next time instead of spending time abusing people trying
to help you,

You and he might act like babies, but you do not have the same
excuse... If you run around carelessly spewing half-baked
misinformation, trying to send people you do not know on wild
goose chases, you should not be surprised when you are abruptly
questioned by someone who recognizes a wild goose chase.
FWIW, that paragraph tells you enough about HDQ for you to
realise it's likely not what's on your battery unless it's got a
*very* smart charger.

If you had read my original post, Linthead, you would know that I
am not talking about a charger.

You are much safer talking about anything but the subject,
Linthead, since you are defending someone who did not read the
original post.
Season's greetings, perhaps you could let some of the spirit of
the season infuse you with some goodwill towards fellow men?

Happy Holidays.

John Doe

krw said:
John said:
No, because you're stupid.

Did you bother reading the original post, Jack? Did you even
bother reading the first word of the subject line? Linthead is
talking about a battery charger. Is that what you are talking
about, Jack?

Clint Sharp

John Doe said:
More likely you are just a troll, Linthead.
You're the one posting from an anonymous account abusing people, perhaps
you need to buy a mirror?
I used a digital
microscope, it has "431" printed on it, it is a three pin surface
mount device, and "Google" will tell you that they are used in
current regulation circuits.
Well, if it's a TL431 why are you bothering us and why haven't you
worked out the circuit for yourself?
On a common flashlight, between the battery and the bulb?
Ahh, American, unlikely to spot sarcasm or subtle humour. Perhaps if I
could have arranged for my reply to have played the Benny Hill theme and
had scantily clad women run around in circles you might have recognised
that comment for what it was?
But seriously, Linthead, apparently you did not read the original
post either. I am not talking about a CHARGER, I am talking about
out, you just didn't care to read it.
Yes, I know but it's possible that the third contact is only used when
the battery is being charged unless the body has enough smarts to
disconnect the load or indicate when the battery gets low, therefore it
made sense to mention the charger.
And then there is that thing up there in the subject line that
looks like this "DISCHARGING".
Similar to that but you used lower case for some of it in the subject
Probably better than you, Linthead, and I am grown up enough to
call it something other than "Google". Please stop, you sound like
a cave dweller.
Umm, what do you call Google then? If I'd used another search engine
then I wouldn't have called it Google.

If you run around carelessly spewing half-baked
I didn't, if you'd read what I wrote you'd realise I was pulling you up
about being so rude to someone who tried to help. I actually agreed with
you that it was very unlikely to be HDQ as that seems too complex to be
used in a 'flash light'.
If you had read my original post, Linthead, you would know that I
am not talking about a charger.
I did and I know you weren't, see above for the reason.
You are much safer talking about anything but the subject,
Linthead, since you are defending someone who did not read the
original post.
Perhaps. I just don't like the rudeness that some people exhibit to
others who try and help with the best intentions. If someone takes the
time to try and help why berate them? If you don't like the answer,
ignore it or politely tell them. I generally find being nice to people
gets much better results. You'll note I haven't called you names, used
obscenities or otherwise berated you.

John Doe

Clint said:
John Doe <jdoe usenetlove.invalid> writes
You're the one posting from an anonymous account

Your mother posts from an anonymous account, Linthead, I am using
the same ID as always.
abusing people

Your mother is abusing people, Linthead... Abruptly questioning
someone who uses obscure misinformation in public and expects the
reader to "Google it" while refusing to explain his terms is not
Well, if it's a TL431 why are you bothering us

Your mother said it was okay, Linthead.
Ahh, American, unlikely to spot sarcasm or subtle humour.

This group (and others) is not the place to air your misgivings
about Americans, Linthead.
Umm, what do you call Google then?

It is a search engine, Linthead. That weirdness is similar to you
all calling vacuum cleaning "Hoovering". Americans do not call
vacuuming "Hoovering" even though the Hoover vacuum cleaner was
invented here in the United States.
If I'd used another search engine then I wouldn't have called it

Linthead trying to make another joke?

Did your mother teach you to lie, Linthead? You were arguing the
idea that an "HDQ interface port" is used in a common flashlight,
between the battery and the bulb, and that the reader should go on
a wild goose chase "googling" the idea for more information.
if you'd read what I wrote you'd realise I was pulling you up

What a coincidence, Linthead, every once in a while I have to pull
your mother up...
I did and I know you weren't, see above for the reason.
Perhaps. I just don't like the rudeness

Your mother likes the rudeness, Linthead.
that some people exhibit to others who try and help with the
best intentions. If someone takes the time to try and help why
berate them? If you don't like the answer, ignore it or politely
tell them. I generally find being nice to people gets much
better results. You'll note I haven't called you names, used
obscenities or otherwise berated you.

Says an anti-American asshole fanning a USENET flame.


Did you bother reading the original post, Jack?

"Jack" is a nickname for "John", idiot. My name isn't "John", *yours*
is, dummy. Have you never gotten anything right in your life, Jack?
No, I don't suppose so.
Did you even bother reading the first word of the subject line? Linthead is
talking about a battery charger. Is that what you are talking
about, Jack?

Obviously you're too stupid to figure out that my post was well within
the subject. You're dumber than dirt, Jack.

Clint Sharp

John Doe said:
Did your mother teach you to lie, Linthead? You were arguing the
idea that an "HDQ interface port" is used in a common flashlight,
between the battery and the bulb, and that the reader should go on
a wild goose chase "googling" the idea for more information.
I didn't suggest HDQ was used in a 'flashlight' I suggested that if you
Googled for the acronym then you'd find out what it meant and that it
was unlikely to be. Anyway, enough, you've obviously realised you're
wrong because you've resorted to throwing insults instead of the semi
rational stuff you were posting before so goodbye. Killfiled.


I wrote:
I have some Bosch BAT411 lithium-ion 10.8 V batteries. One of the
tools is a flashlight. It includes a small circuit board between
the battery and the light bulb. The battery plug has three wires.
I realize that lithium-ion batteries use regulation when charging,
but what is the third contact for when the battery is being used?

....and I gave you a real possibility, dumbass.
Jack expects everyone to eat the garbage that he feeds them,
without question.

You're the garbage mouth here. Whatever floats your boat, Jack.
So you think that an "HDQ master" goes between a battery and a
flashlight bulb, Jack?

It could easily be an HDQ port for the *charger* dumbass. WHat a
The possibilities of an "HDQ master" going between a flashlight
battery and a flashlight bulb, Jack?

YOu don't read any better than you think. The "master" doesn't go
between anything, you stupid shit.
So you got the impression that I did not want you to expand
further effort on the cause... Very good!

No, you turned into yourself (a perfect piece of shit), so I had no
intention of helping you any further, other than to show others here
just what a ingrate you really are. Hopefully they'll help you just
as much as I intend to in the future.
Apparently no one here knows what it is. To me, that is a
testament to the idea/fact that laziness is not the problem.

I know what it is and gave you everything you needed to find out for
yourself. I can't help it of you're a dumbass who thinks everyone
owes you answers to your stupid questions *and* too stupid to do an
easy web search.
I do not eat junk food, Jack.

True; you eat shit.

John Doe

krw said:
"Jack" is a nickname for "John", idiot. My name isn't "John", *yours*
is, dummy. Have you never gotten anything right in your life, Jack?
No, I don't suppose so.

Obviously you're too stupid to figure out that my post was well within
the subject.


Jack misspelled "Of course I did not read the original post, I did
not even read the subject line".

Speaking of morons...

John Doe

Clint said:
John Doe <jdoe usenetlove.invalid> writes
I didn't suggest HDQ was used in a 'flashlight'

That's good, since it sounds ridiculous. What on earth would a flashlight use a communications port for?

By the way... There is nothing obscure about the word "flashlight", Linthead, so stop quoting it.
I suggested that if you Googled for the acronym then you'd find
out what it meant

I don't "Google", Linthead. And the results you touted did not
spell out the acronym. Jack probably does not know what it means
and that it was unlikely to be. Anyway, enough, you've obviously
realised you're wrong because you've resorted to throwing

Someone throwing insults for realizing he was wrong for throwing insults...
instead of the semi rational stuff you were posting before so
goodbye. Killfiled.

And he runs off to play with his imaginary kill file friend...


This moron did not read the subject line or the original post.

This moron top posted, then copied ~140 lines of stuff after his lies.

<cleaning up after another self important top poster>

John Doe

krw said:
...after his lies.

Are you still willing to argue that an "HDQ interface port" goes
between a Bosch flashlight battery and its flashlight bulb, Jack?

When you lead someone on a wild goose chase with your careless and
obscure answer, Jack, you should not be surprised when he rattles
your cage.


Are you still willing to argue that an "HDQ interface port" goes
between a Bosch flashlight battery and its flashlight bulb, Jack?

I never said any such thing, idiot. All my Bosch tools have chargers.
Don't know what crap you bought.
When you lead someone on a wild goose chase with your careless and
obscure answer, Jack, you should not be surprised when he rattles
your cage.

Only a wild goose chase for those too stupid to know how to do a web
search. You're too stupid to breathe regularly, so your IQ isn't a

John Doe

But seriously... Neither the subject line nor my post had anything
to do with charging a battery, moron.

John Doe





You're going back five levels of quotes? You've lost your argument
and are now trying to weasel you way out. You are beyond stupid.

I failed to answer nothing, you stupid shit.

It's nice you quote so well. NOT.


But seriously... Neither the subject line nor my post had anything
to do with charging a battery, moron.

But seriously, You're a stupid asshole.

<snipped stuff left by an asshole top-poster>