Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Discharging a lithium-ion battery, what is the third wire for?


John Doe

I have some Bosch BAT411 lithium-ion 10.8 V batteries. One of the
tools is a flashlight. It includes a small circuit board between
the battery and the light bulb. The battery plug has three wires.
I realize that lithium-ion batteries use regulation when charging,
but what is the third contact for when the battery is being used?


John Doe

krw said:
Do you know what the **** "Google" means?

Unless you are crippled, you should spell out obscure acronyms the
first time you use them. In other words... Learn how to write,


Unless you are crippled, you should spell out obscure acronyms the
first time you use them. In other words... Learn how to write,

My, my, the stupid shit asks a question and demands everything for
nothing. Sorry, chump, the world owes you nothing. If you're too
lazy to look it up you can rot. I hope others here decide the same.

John Doe

krw said:
My, my, the stupid shit asks a question and demands everything
for nothing. Sorry, chump, the world owes you nothing. If
you're too lazy to look it up you can rot. I hope others here
decide the same.

Okay, Asshole, so you can use a keyboard and you are just a troll.


Okay, Asshole, so you can use a keyboard and you are just a troll.

Why yes, I can use a keyboard. Because you're a stupid shit, I'm a
troll? You are a sick bastard. That is now quite clear. Have a nice
life and I hope you don't blow up too many batteries before you get a
clue. Dumbass.

John Doe

krw said:

Why yes, I can use a keyboard. Because you're a stupid shit, I'm a
troll? You are a sick bastard. That is now quite clear. Have a nice
life and I hope you don't blow up too many batteries before you get a
clue. Dumbass.

That from a troll who uses "Google it" to make up for his lack of
writing skill...

Michael Black

My, my, the stupid shit asks a question and demands everything for
nothing. Sorry, chump, the world owes you nothing. If you're too
lazy to look it up you can rot. I hope others here decide the same.
No, if you're giving an explanation, then you should have given an

You didn't, you assumed the original poster would know what you meant,
even though by his question chances are good that he won't. And you
assumed other people would know what you meant, but no, it's not clear.

Yes, we can all grasp that you are suggesting it's some sort of interface,
but that's as far as it goes.

If you didn't want to spell it out, then you might as well have just said
"do a websearch" and not said anything about what it might be.


John Doe

Actually I did do some research, Jack. I found that your acronym
is at best obscure, or maybe you are just trying to waste the
reader's time. Who knows, Jack?

Doing a search for "krw att.bizzzzzzzzzzz" and the acronym "HDQ".
The only result is this thread. Hmm. Is it something you recently
overheard, Jack?


Actually I did do some research, Jack. I found that your acronym
is at best obscure, or maybe you are just trying to waste the
reader's time. Who knows, Jack?
Doing a search for "krw att.bizzzzzzzzzzz" and the acronym "HDQ".
The only result is this thread. Hmm. Is it something you recently
overheard, Jack?

Idiot. Why would you 1) do a Usenet search, and 2) use my (altered)
email address? You are a real dumbass.


No, if you're giving an explanation, then you should have given an

I gave enough explanation that any idiot could find the information
they needed if it was at all applicable. The jerk gave no real
information so anything is possible.
You didn't, you assumed the original poster would know what you meant,
even though by his question chances are good that he won't. And you
assumed other people would know what you meant, but no, it's not clear.

He obviously doesn't even know how to do a Google search, yet is an
ingrate who believes that the world somehow owes him something.
Yes, we can all grasp that you are suggesting it's some sort of interface,
but that's as far as it goes.

Did you try a search? It took me all of thirty seconds to find what I
needed when I had to design an HDQ master, with nothing more than I
gave earlier.
If you didn't want to spell it out, then you might as well have just said
"do a websearch" and not said anything about what it might be.

I gave him (or anyone) all the tools they need to investigate the
possibilities. Had the asshole simply asked for further help I might
have looked it up again. OTOH, he has demonstrated that he is too
lazy to help himself and insults those who might assist. He can
remain ignorant, forever, for all I care.

It's not smart to piss off those who can help. No, I have no
intention of helping the asshole further.

John Doe

First hit on Google for HDQ interface tells you. JFGI.

In other words, you do not know either...

The only chip in the small circuit between the battery and the
light bulb is a voltage reference (TL431 I think). So the output
of that third pin is not some streaming data signal. It must be
either a simple voltage level or a digital 1/0.

Here is the first paragraph from the first "HDQ interface" hit
on Google.

TI: HDQ communication basics This report compares the
communication timing specifications for the different battery gas
gauge and battery monitor products. It discusses some of the
interface requirements necessary for robust HDQ communication,
such as the need for a break prior to each communication, how to
reliably read 16bit dynamic values over the 8bit bus, and the need
for some noise filtering on the HDQ line. It also discusses the
firmware strategy required for implementing the HDQ interface
using a discrete I/O port and describes the popular option of
using a UART to handle the HDQ bit timing requirement...

John Doe

krw said:
I gave enough explanation that any idiot could find the
information they needed if it was at all applicable. The jerk
gave no real information so anything is possible.

I wrote:
I have some Bosch BAT411 lithium-ion 10.8 V batteries. One of the
tools is a flashlight. It includes a small circuit board between
the battery and the light bulb. The battery plug has three wires.
I realize that lithium-ion batteries use regulation when charging,
but what is the third contact for when the battery is being used?
He obviously doesn't even know how to do a Google search, yet is
an ingrate who believes that the world somehow owes him

Jack expects everyone to eat the garbage that he feeds them,
without question.
Did you try a search? It took me all of thirty seconds to find
what I needed when I had to design an HDQ master, with nothing
more than I gave earlier.

So you think that an "HDQ master" goes between a battery and a
flashlight bulb, Jack?
I gave him (or anyone) all the tools they need to investigate
the possibilities.

The possibilities of an "HDQ master" going between a flashlight
battery and a flashlight bulb, Jack?
Had the asshole simply asked for further help I might have
looked it up again.

So you got the impression that I did not want you to expand
further effort on the cause... Very good!
OTOH, he has demonstrated that he is too lazy to help himself

Apparently no one here knows what it is. To me, that is a
testament to the idea/fact that laziness is not the problem.
and insults those who might assist. He can remain ignorant,
forever, for all I care.

I do not eat junk food, Jack.

Clint Sharp

John Doe said:
In other words, you do not know either...
Well, frankly, no, I didn't but 10 seconds work with Google and I'd
found a document that explained enough for me to have a good idea what
HDQ meant in the context of Lithium batteries. Took less time to find
out than it did for you to start a flame war.
The only chip in the small circuit between the battery and the
light bulb is a voltage reference (TL431 I think).
Doubt it's a TL431. Doubt it's a voltage reference at all. More likely a
temperature sensor or even a simple fuel gauge IC.
So the output
of that third pin is not some streaming data signal. It must be
either a simple voltage level or a digital 1/0.
Or, perhaps, if it's a digital I/O it could be a streaming data signal?
Here is the first paragraph from the first "HDQ interface" hit
on Google.

TI: HDQ communication basics This report compares the
communication timing specifications for the different battery gas
gauge and battery monitor products. It discusses some of the
interface requirements necessary for robust HDQ communication,
such as the need for a break prior to each communication, how to
reliably read 16bit dynamic values over the 8bit bus, and the need
for some noise filtering on the HDQ line. It also discusses the
firmware strategy required for implementing the HDQ interface
using a discrete I/O port and describes the popular option of
using a UART to handle the HDQ bit timing requirement...
Good oh, so you do know how to use Google. Perhaps next time instead of
spending time abusing people trying to help you, you might consider
trying it out. FWIW, that paragraph tells you enough about HDQ for you
to realise it's likely not what's on your battery unless it's got a
*very* smart charger.

Season's greetings, perhaps you could let some of the spirit of the
season infuse you with some goodwill towards fellow men?