Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Digital propeller clock

Hi. I'm trying to build a propeller clock for a class project using a vcr motor from a sharp vc-h870u. My current problem is getting the motor to work outside the vcr. I've hooked it up to 5 volts, 12 volts, and both and am not having any luck. I've tried googling the data sheet for the motor and have come up empty every time. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hi. I'm trying to build a propeller clock for a class project using a vcr motor from a sharp vc-h870u. My current problem is getting the motor to work outside the vcr. I've hooked it up to 5 volts, 12 volts, and both and am not having any luck. I've tried googling the data sheet for the motor and have come up empty every time. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Most probably it is a dc motor.

Could you post a picture of the motor and it leads ? maby that way we might be able to help.

One other thing you could do is to put it back in the vcr and while in normal operation you could measure the voltages.