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Maker Pro

Dell's first attempt to market perpetual motion

  • Thread starter The Flavored Coffee Guy
  • Start date

Homer J Simpson

I read on a black history site once that a black man...George
Washington Cleveland Jefferson Evans...actually invented a perpetual
motion machine is 1875 but the white man burnt his home lab down in
order to keep this revolutionary device from being invented with the
credit going to an african american.....~:>

I would have at least went in and took all his research
materials..working models etc... before lynching him and his family
then burning his house down.

Perpetual motion machines seem like a perfect way to keep black men from
making a living assuming that is your aim!


lsmartino said:
The Flavored Coffee Guy ha escrito:

I´m sure you will not understand this link, but anyway here it goes
for the benefit of other readers:
Thank you very much for the powerstream link, Very good place for
answers to many of long term questions. They have some great online
calculators .


I read on a black history site once that a black man...George
Washington Cleveland Jefferson Evans...actually invented a perpetual
motion machine is 1875 but the white man burnt his home lab down in
order to keep this revolutionary device from being invented with the
credit going to an african american.....~:>

Sounds like a fishermans tale to me...
You should have seen the size of the one that got away.

Michael A. Terrell

I read on a black history site once that a black man...George
Washington Cleveland Jefferson Evans...actually invented a perpetual
motion machine is 1875 but the white man burnt his home lab down in
order to keep this revolutionary device from being invented with the
credit going to an african american.....~:>

I would have at least went in and took all his research
materials..working models etc... before lynching him and his family
then burning his house down.

No, it was the first over unity machine, and it worked so well that
the excess energy set the house on fire.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

radio jim

Lithium Batteries.
Inside the battery there is monitoring circuitry to monitor each cell'
terminal voltage. If the terminal voltage deviates slightly from th
designed terminal voltage, either above or below by approx 0.05Volt
Lithium metal is deposited out of solution onto one of the electrodes
As internally the battery is moist, as it has to be (Electrolyte), eve
if only a gell, the Lithium metal reacts violently resulting in a fire
This why a Lithium cell shuts down when there is a slight failure
rather than dying slowly as in NiMh or NiCd batteries. Also if th
battery gets too hot in operation, it gets to a point where therma
runaway occurs, simply making itself hotter by itself. Lithium meta
deposition once again will occur resulting inb a fire.
