Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Debris under base of Sony Projection TV

I have a bit of an odd question...I just brought a free TV inside and set it up. It had been on someone's curb, and when I set it up, I noticed there was some debris, like little tiny bits of leaves on the stand in the front. Stupidly, I blew on it, thinking I could blow it sideways and off the stand, but instead the debris went in the tiny gap underneath the screen.

Now I'm feeling anxious wondering whether I'm going to have caused some issue down the line. I don't know much about the anatomy of TVs or where the circuitry is located in relation to the screen. I tilted the TV upwards to see if I could get out the debris but nothing came out. Could I have damaged the TV somehow? Should I try using a can of air from the other end or a small hand vacuum at the front base to try and suck out the debris? I appreciate any replies. Thank you. It's a Sony LCD Projection TV, KDF-50WE655, made in 2005. (Yeah, I know it's just an old projection TV! I'm hoping to keep it around at least a year though!).

Here is where the debris went in (images also attached)



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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Assuming the leafy bits are dry, I doubt it will do any damage.

They shouldn't stop you testing the TV.

The electronics is mostly away from the screen in rear projection TV's that I've seen.
If the main lamp blows look to spend a minimum of $100 on a replacement though! This may be why it's been junked - $100 goes a long way towards a decent flat screen TV of a similar size these days - and without the inconvenience of life-limited projection lamps.
If the main lamp blows look to spend a minimum of $100 on a replacement though! This may be why it's been junked - $100 goes a long way towards a decent flat screen TV of a similar size these days - and without the inconvenience of life-limited projection lamps.

Yeah, that's a good point and I have thought about it...I figure I'll just toss it if it burns out, and move on to the next free tv...(but hopefully that one will be a flat screen) :)
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