Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Currently developing a driver to a CDRW drive in an embedded system. Need help.



I am currently developing a driver to a CDRW drive in an embedded
system. I am currently having problems with new CDRW drives accepting
any packet commands. (The ATA commands are handled.) The
initialization sequence that I am using is as follows:

1) Hardware reset (Delay 10 seconds after reset is released.)

2) Software reset - setting then clearing the SRST bit in the Device
control register

3) Identify Packet Device command (code A1) followed by reading the
256 words of device information.

(I have verified that all of the timing is correct.)

This sequence has been successful in pre 2004 CDRW drives (TEAC
CD-W552D, SONY CRX230AD). However, in newer CDRW drives (TEAC
CD-W552GB, SONY CRX230AD) as soon as I set the command register for a
PACKET COMMAND (command code A0), the check (or error) bit is set in
the status register and the error register indicates a sense code of
06. Is there an additional initialization step that I am missing? I
have gone through the ATA/ATAPI 5 Spec and have not found anything
that I am missing.



Is there an additional initialization step that I am missing? I
have gone through the ATA/ATAPI 5 Spec and have not found anything
that I am missing.

I have only limited help to offer, here it goes.
I had an ATA-4 compatible CD (a slim, notebook type) reader,
Teac CD224E. I mastered it somehow without major issues (> 5 years
ago) and not so long ago I replaced it with a DVD-RW (NEC-650 or
something like that). It just worked - and I had not cared to look
ATA-4 (obviously I had to work to add the burner-related MMC stuff,
but I don't remember any atapi-command delivery issues; perhaps
I never had a device which causes your problem, of course).

An alternative place to ask is the ATA mailing list (pretty silent
lately), locate it via . Another is the T10 list,,
although it is less approporiate someone might help.
And then there is Hale Landis' site, , as
I know him, Hale is always willing to help.
