Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What gadget/s can't you currently leave your home without and why ?



Steve said:
What specific gadget/s (as in the brand and model) can't you
(seriously or humorously) leave your home without and please say why,
for anything named. It's fine if anything mentioned is primarily
phone - mobile phone related, but it doesn't have to be.

American Express: because Karl Malden ingrained it in my head years ago.
I could walk out of the house naked but I'd feel naked without my


peter2 said:
Don't get me wrong, I do worry about security. The fact that I use
four security cameras, with a system that monitors the video feeds
looking for movement in certain hot spots (doorways, etc.) all make me
feel safer.

But, as well, where I live things are relatively safe. Our state is a
free (open) carry state, and not too many people break into country
houses around here for that rason alone: they are likely to get their
tail blown off...

Sure free/open carry is good. But does your state law support Castle
Doctrine or does it have a duty to retreat law? If it has the former
you're good to go, otherwise not.


Steve said:
What specific gadget/s (as in the brand and model) can't you
(seriously or humorously) leave your home without and please say why,
for anything named. It's fine if anything mentioned is primarily
cell phone - mobile phone related, but it doesn't have to be.

For how long ?

When I go out I don't even always take my mobile (cell to you) phone,
i.e. I take NO gadgets. Sometimes I prefer not to be disturbed.



Michael A. Terrell said:
Its way too late do worry about that.

Is that so ? I take my mobile to the pub / club since it's a dating aid.


Don Klipstein

American Express: because Karl Malden ingrained it in my head years ago.
I could walk out of the house naked but I'd feel naked without my

Cellphone - "Don't Go Anywhere Without It".

LED flashlight - because I am one of those eccentric parttime
electronics engineer kind of fellows, and I have a "day job" (though not
always daytime - sometimes it is nighttime) delivering sandwiches by
bicycle. And my eyes are approaching half a century old.
I wish that some cellphones were better as flashlights than ones that I
make some flashlight use of despite them not showing much of being design
to have such products used for such purpose.

I expect that a cellphone company could rake in within the next decade
much of a gigabuck if such company made cellphones at least as useful as
flashlights as being even useful as they are at being calculators.
(8-12 or so times ever since I first got a cellphone with "calculator
feature" [roughly 6-7 years ago] I used a cellphone as a calculator. In
that same time period I used my "brainiac" as a calculator roughly
1,000-plus times and I used calculators as calulators a goodly thousand

LED headlights do come in handy - and as far as I am concerned, better
when worn on one's head or helmet. I have a disliking to park outboard
thief-removable lighting modules and batteries (or generators) on exterior
of an outdoor-parked vehicle, and I can only park my bike indoors more
than 5 or so minutes a day when indoows is in my own home! When I park it
outdoors, I am often at the mercy of "U-locks" not locking anything
related to lighting!

- Don Klipstein ([email protected])