Maker Pro
Maker Pro

create a 110 volt ac to 5 volt dc.

Hey everyone..I need to create a simple diagram with these element..

1,110 volt ac source
and with capacitor(no limit)

I need to have 5 volt dc at the end....i need a exemple our the solution thanks

im new in electronic.

yeah true but this is not the question a my exam, its one exempple to prepare for the true one.

i need help this is my firts diagram.
We have all been to school at some point, what we know is that exams are not just random questions, they are based upon the study up to that point... You say this is your first diagram, and even if it is, I'm pretty sure you have been shown several diagrams in your course as well as some schooling on the basics of electronics/electricity... With that said you should not be coming into this question blind and without the faintest idea of what you are doing, in fact it's reasonable to expect that you have been schooled in the basics and foundations that will allow you to solve this problem if you try... Keyword here is 'try' not expect someone else to do it for you...

So make an attempt, draw up a diagram and post it... At that point others may guide you if you make errors...
Viola. Merriam Webster English Dictionary Main Entry:*2vi·o·la*Pronunciation:*\vē-ˈō-lə\Function:*nounEtymology: Italian & Spanish, viol, viola, from Old Occitan, violDate: circa 1724
:*a musical instrument of the violin family that is intermediate in size and compass between the violin and cello and is tuned a fifth below the violin.

Voilà. Merriam Webster English Dictionary Main Entry:*voi·là*Variant(s): or*voi·la**\vwä-ˈlä\Function:*interjectionEtymology: French, literally, see thereDate: 1739
—used to call attention, to express satisfaction or approval, or to suggest an appearance as if by magic.
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Just draw the following components from left to right-

AC source : switch : fuse : transformer : diode : capacitor : regulator

Now connect them in a way that makes sense. Voilà.
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