Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Coronavirus transmission prevention device.

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To show the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines, look at countries where few people are vaccinated and compare with countries that have nearly everybody vaccinated. A huge difference in the numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
New variants of the virus are developed in unvaccinated people. A good reason for mandates and masks.
The vaccines work fairly well against new variants, antibodies from an infection do not.

My recent scare of reading possible mis-information that my 3rd dose of vaccine caused my heart-beat rate to be all over the place led to many tests and an upcoming operation to prevent a second heart attack. It is possible that I got the virus that has caused my heart-beat rate problem and the vaccine prevented me from having any other symptoms, hospitalization or death.

Instead of having a heart attack like mine years ago, my twin sister had a minor stroke and now has the same heart-beat rate problem as me. She has had the same tests as me and might get the same stents operation that will prevent a heart attack. In our genes?
Covid survival rate for all age groups exceed 99% and increase to 99.993% as you go down the ages. This is not and never was a 'pandemic' except in the minds of those that were convinced it was.

I personally know of more people dead from the vaccine than dead from the virus. Fact.
Covid survival rate for all age groups exceed 99% and increase to 99.993% as you go down the ages. This is not and never was a 'pandemic' except in the minds of those that were convinced it was.

I personally know of more people dead from the vaccine than dead from the virus. Fact.
And so say I..

Being old, and previous heart attack,breathing difficulties, diabetic and a bowel cancer survivor I know that if unvaccinated my chances are pretty slim. Vaccinated at least I do have a chance.
That's my view, not forcing it on anyone but my opinion of anti vaxxers is that they are bloody stupid and selfish. :)
Just playing the odds.
Stupid and selfish?
My body, my choice!.
I am not anti vax and don’t care who chooses to have it. Same way as I choose not to.
You can wear your masks to protect yourselves from me. Surely, you do know that masks don’t work? Or is that stupid too?.
I also won’t get into a conversation about it. My choice and that’s it. Final words from me.

In some countries, you pay for your hospital care and funeral. Here in Canada taxpayers pay for it. Therefore we had mandates to block antivaxxers.
Their "rights" are ridiculous and they should live on another planet with others like them.
Masks are not perfect so they only reduce the spread of the virus, much better than nothing.
Nothing worse than someone prepared to tell others how they should live their lives. Well, yes there is - it's arrogant people forcing others to take exprimental medical procedures against their will. That is above and beyond the pale. Unbelievable.

Should I take a headache tablet to stop 'you' getting a head ache? Or wear a condom fro you while 'you' have sex? It's utterly ludicrous.

I've had (at the last count) ELEVEN vaccines of various sorts. I took them voluntarily and to protect myself - not a single one of them would stop other people catching/suffering the diseases I was protecting MYSELF from and the same applies to the C-19 vaccine. If that was true then why do those who HAVE been vaccinated caught (and recaught) C-19? Myself and my wife are unvaccinated by choice. Never had C-19.

All my extended family HAVE had the vaccine (and the boosters) and they've ALL caught C-19 - in some cases more than once (and not from us either - they've not seen us in two years). The vaccine (a) isn't a vaccine and (b) doesn't work. Indeed all my extended family still can't travel overseas as the last jab they had was more than 180 days ago and anyone un-boosted beyond 180 days is considered 'unvaccinated'. Moronic doesn't begin to explain the policies behind it.

We'll not go into the falsehood that is the reported 'deaths from' (versus 'deaths with') - if you don't want to know the truth then keep taking the vax and believing what the media tells you. Just don't have the impertinence to tell others how they should act or what they should do with their bodies.

So-called 'antivaxxers' don't tell others to not take it. Please afford us the same consideration.
I saw antivaxxers making a protest about mandates blocking them. They had signs lying about the vaccines and telling people not to get the "poisonous" vaccination. None of them were educated or were doctors.


Hop - AC8NS
As a "Air Force Brats" (children whose parent or parents serve in the Air Force), my brother and I moved around a LOT. We also got vaccinated a LOT. I had to have several smallpox vaccination "jabs" because the expected reaction did not occur. One finally did yield the expected results: an itchy, red, skin eruption resulting in a scab that eventually fell off, leaving the ubiquitous "smallpox vaccination scar." I was told that I was now safe from a real smallpox infection "for life." Hmmm. So far, so good.

Now that I have since been "jabbed" for COVID-19 immunization, and it is in Government records that I did in fact succumb to fear, and allowed this to happen not once but twice, the CDC and the US-FDA now require my future death to be reported as "COVID related." WTF is going on?

As a child I had zero choice as to whether or not I got vaccinated. Mother was a Registered Nurse. So, I got not just the (apparently effective) smallpox vaccine, but also the Salk polio vaccine injection, and then later the Sabin polio vaccine administered as a few drop of liquid applied to a tiny sugar cube, which was then swallowed whole. My brother and I each also received the "triple threat" DTP vaccination in a single shot to ward off contracting diphtheria, tetanus, and/or pertussis... all childhood diseases that could become fatal.

In the late 1950s my father was ordered to Kadena AFB on Okinawa. Somewhat later my mother, my brother and I were allowed to join him there. But first we all had to get our immunization records up-to-date. Lots of "jabs" were required for that one, including protection from some diseases I had never heard of. And for some reason we got to fly from Knoxville TN to Atlanta GA on a Delta Air Lines DC3... yeah, the ol' reliable Gooney Bird... passports maybe? One passport for the three of us. Anyhoo, after all the T's were dotted and all the I's were crossed we all got on a four-engine, propeller-driven, three-tailed Constellation and flew to Okinawa from California, with short stops in Hawaii and Wake Island to re-fuel. The Captain, after someone informed him that teen-aged chidlren were aboard his aircraft, invited some of us to come up to the cockpit, one or two at a time,.to see what was going on. Wonderful experience! But that will never happen again in this century. <sigh>

There wasn't one then, and AFAIK, there isn't a vaccination now against tuberculosis (TB) infection. Mother acquired it before the trip to Okinawa, which is why my brother and I had earlier been living in Tennessee with out grandparents. After mother recovered, father was transferred to Lowry AFB, Denver CO and the four of lived together in a small rented house in Aurora CO until his transfer to Okinawa. Since we were not allowed to immediately accompany Dad, the three of us moved back to Tennessee and rented a small house in Morristown, near to where grandmother and grandfather had retired.

Okinawa was fun (the United States had not yet returned the island to Japan) and none of the three of us became sick there. Dad, however, contracted TB in his kidneys, which can quickly become fatal. He was flown to Valley Forge Army Hospital near Phoenixville PA.for over a year of treatment. We eventually joined him there for the year it took modern antibiotic drugs to kill his infection. Bed rest and fresh air was then, and is now a slow albeit effective treatment for TB. My mother took daily injections of streptomycin after she was discharged from Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Aurora CO. I don't recall that Dad had to do that and he was subsequently transferred to Sewart AFB in Smyrna TN, where he finally retired from the Air Force and moved to Dayton OH.
In our genes?
I think that must be so. Natural selection would favor it.

I have often suspected that I may have inherited genes that provide my genome with a superior defense against infection. Although I did contract scarlet fever, and later rheumatic fever which damages the heart, the only consequence I remember is missing most of the first grade because my mother enforced strict bed-rest. We were living out in the country near Riverside CA at the time, so perhaps the good California weather helped "cure" me. I don't remember having to take any "pills" although I did object to being forced bedridden. Eventually I got over it, and my heart was not damaged by the disease, which is what scared the hell out of my mom. As an RN, she knew what could happen. Or maybe she was just testing Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Mom was scary smart, but I don't think she would deliberately withhold medical treatment from me or my brother. It's probably too late to ask her now since she died. Well, I could ask a medium to ask her, but I prefer to let the dead rest in peace. All questions will be answered eventually... or not.

As I hope anyone can see from what I have written, I am NOT an anti-vaxer. But I was taught that a real vaccine prevents disease. It may somehow increase survival statistically, but it has to be proven to prevent disease before any reasonable person can claim it is a REAL vaccine. I was commanded (i.e. forced) to take a "flu vaccine" by the Air Force in the summer of 1964 at my final duty station, Kincheloe AFB, Kinross MI. Subsequently, that winter I did contract a mild form of the "flu" and soon after that I realized that whatever "flu vaccine" I was given was only effective for the flu variant that existed at the time the vaccine was developed. Viruses constantly mutate, but I haven't taken any flu vaccine since receiving that first "flu vaccine." AFAIK I have never had the flu since that winter of 1964, nor did I ever have the flu before then. For whatever reason, the Air Force did not force me to later take flu shots after that first one. Today annual flu shots are mandatory for armed forces personnel, but that no longer applies for me!

None of them were educated or were doctors.
What does that have to do with the sovereign right of the protesters to control what is put in their body? Being in a "free" country means you have the "right" to be wrong! Ignorance is curable with education, but stupid is forever.

I waited a long time here in The Free State of Florida before I got my two "jabs" because in the Government's rush to "do something" Phizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson (among others) created their so-called vaccines without proper clinical trials, which can take years! The populations of the world became their trial, and it was neither clinical nor a real trial. Follow the money. Social distancing works, as does isolation at home. If enough people contract COVID, and some of them die, perhaps those who got sick but didn't die contribute to herd immunity. Some researchers say, "No. Contracting COVID and surviving DOES NOT contribute anything to herd immunity." Why? Because it does not remove the virus from the population at large.

It has been reported that most of the current hospitalizations for COVID infection occur among the non-vaccinated. It is too bad that those folks decided not to become a part of the trials for the vaccine, but it doesn't prove anything. How many of those admitted actually tested positive for infection? How many of those admitted actually died? "Figures may not lie, but liars figure." Follow the money. There are more than seven billion (>7,000,000,000) people living today. What percentage of that number who contracted COVID and actually died as a result? Is it really worth the effort spent so far to reduce that percentage to zero? What if, say, 99 44/100 % died (the Ivory soap claim to purity)? That would still leave about a billion souls worldwide to somwhow run the planet...
Wow, what did I start?
If you read I am not forcing anyone.
That is just my opinion.
Being clinically vulnerable in my case I think it is wise to have the vaccine.
I realise vaccines are supposed to stop you from contracting a disease and the fact that you can still get covid even after being vaccinated is not lost on me. The fact that those who have been vaccinated and get covid usually have a better outcome is for me the only reason I had the vaccine.
After having bowel cancer and being declared borderline for surgery after loads of chemotherapy, having the operation, the operation being botched, sewn up with 4 inches of dead bowel inside me and spending a total of 7 months in hospital in 2012 I am not going to give up now.
Each to their own and if you don't want the vaccine fair enough, I respect that but I still think you are selfish and stupid. That is my opinion you should respect that.
Covid survival rate for all age groups exceed 99% and increase to 99.993% as you go down the ages. This is not and never was a 'pandemic' except in the minds of those that were convinced it was.

I personally know of more people dead from the vaccine than dead from the virus. Fact.
Here's an eyeful. I'm posting a photo clipped off the net. I have no verification as to if the world top virologist made the statement or not. I suppose I could contact him and see if he did state this and if it is still his prediction. How almost unimaginably horrible an occurrence this would be. Yet I believe many men exist that have the capability and will to do such diabolical deeds. In the name of ego, I guess.ALL DIE 1.2.png
My other personal view it that there are lots of people who are carriers of covid. Until all these people are located covid will still spread and even more so as the regulations on masks are relaxed. There are probably lots of Typhoid Mary's out there showing no indications of covid.
Just a personal view backed up by local family who had covid and the mother was a carrier and showed no signs of covid yet her husband and kids all got it.
Yes, vaccinated people can still catch the Covid-19 virus but not as much as unvaccinated people and usually with no symptoms. Unvaccinated people frequently catch the virus then need to be hospitalized with a painful ventilator and many die.

Mistruths like in post #93 should not ne allowed in this forum.
Mistruths like in post #93 should not ne allowed in this forum.
It's not a 'mis-truth'.........yet.

Just as so many conspiracy theories eventually become conspiracy fact you can't dismiss any statement so readily.

Far too much evidence supporting the 'conspiracy theorists' is being revealed every day, not least Pfizers own document dump (which they wanted to hide for 75 years????). Time is the greatest exposer of truth.
It's not a 'mis-truth'.........yet.

Just as so many conspiracy theories eventually become conspiracy fact you can't dismiss any statement so readily.

Far too much evidence supporting the 'conspiracy theorists' is being revealed every day, not least Pfizers own document dump (which they wanted to hide for 75 years????). Time is the greatest exposer of truth.
Did you read his Wikipedia page?
The bloke was 89 and had lost the plot.
I certainly shan't be losing any sleep over it.
My first dose was 12st February 2021 of the Pfizer-BioNTech and according to him I have only 9 months left to live.:)
My OH will be pleased as she will be a rich lady.
I'm not supporting the claim the 89-year old made... just pointing out that it hasn't been disproven - yet.

In much the same way that there's no absolute guarantees that 'something' won't see you off this mortal coil in the interim - although some would put such an event down to C-19 as being the cause anyway........
My other personal view it that there are lots of people who are carriers of covid. Until all these people are located covid will still spread and even more so as the regulations on masks are relaxed. There are probably lots of Typhoid Mary's out there showing no indications of covid.
Just a personal view backed up by local family who had covid and the mother was a carrier and showed no signs of covid yet her husband and kids all got it.
I find it best to not take any statements as hard evidence. When it was popular to broadcast news of hospital crowding due to covid patients, it was my conclusion that the ONLY way a person could know the truth, was to personally walk the halls of these hospitals and do an on site visual inspection. I am not afforded the luxury of the required traveling to carry out such an adventure. Another bit of "hearsay" (again, who can I rely upon for truth) is that a vaccine mostly eliminates the resulting symptoms of a contracted virus. Therefore a person can conceivably carry and spread a virus, unbeknownst to themselves. Currently I believe that conclusion. Another conspiracy theory I am inclined to believe is that the public is nearly saturated with distractions. Distractions, not necessarily of unimportant events, but of such a number, that the public will be preoccupied enough that questions regarding truly essential subjects, such as the economy, availability of food, etc., are pushed to the back burner. I can only guess at what the endgame goal is for the perpetrators of this technique of social manipulation.
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