Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arduino GPS Transmission

Hello! I am attempting a new project and I need some guidance. This project involves live GPS tracking, transmitting from a device and receiving from another. So far my game plan is:

Use some GPS positioning module on the transmitting arduino to communicate with my other arduino using HC-12 wireless modules. I then want to somehow be able to visualize this data on a map displayed on an lcd or something.

My main questions are:
Would this work?
What is the best in general, and then the best but cheapest GPS module that can complete this task?
How can I visualize the GPS on a map?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What do you want to display on the LCD? Is it the relative positions of the two devices?

If so, you can do it the "right" way, which involves lots of math that would take forever on an Arduino, or you could take the far simpler approach of getting the difference between the latitude and longitude values and applying a correction factor for your latitude, and simply plot one point against the other.

You will probably want to average the values over time as they are likely to jump about a bit.
What do you want to display on the LCD? Is it the relative positions of the two devices?

If so, you can do it the "right" way, which involves lots of math that would take forever on an Arduino, or you could take the far simpler approach of getting the difference between the latitude and longitude values and applying a correction factor for your latitude, and simply plot one point against the other.

You will probably want to average the values over time as they are likely to jump about a bit.

I would like to display a map with the point of the device I am tracking on the lcd, if possible just tying in with google maps and an esp8266.
Thanks for your reply!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
That is both easier and harder :)

I'm sure you can tell Google maps to return a given area, and to overlay something at a particular lat/long.

The problem is that you note require internet connectivity, a tcp/ip stack, and the ability to handle the data stream in both directions.

I would be looking for existing applications that interface a microcontroller with Google maps. If you can find one, work from that.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, that project doesn't actually use Google maps from the microcontroller, so it's not a good starting point.


What do you think of its methods? It is using google maps to pinpoint a location. This seems like something I'd try doing, but I want to be able to use my own arduino TFT LCD to display the map and point of the tracked object.

... either Google maps/Google earth using kml or kmz file and you are going to need an internet connection

the only other way is to find out how they produce and store map files in a car GSP system and do it that way.
And that way is probably "biting off much more than you can chew" ... ie ..... way out of your league
... either Google maps/Google earth using kml or kmz file and you are going to need an internet connection

the only other way is to find out how they produce and store map files in a car GSP system and do it that way.
And that way is probably "biting off much more than you can chew" ... ie ..... way out of your league
Is there a way I can download a map or something with coordinates coded in? I can have the gps unit and the HC-12 to transmit that data to my home arduino where it is plotted on the map.