Maker Pro
Maker Pro

cooling PV-panels with garden sprinklers usefull?



May you can figure out the approx. gain from cooling from
this link.....

See Solar Panel Rating....close to the bottom of the page.

have fun.....sno


If one side of a conflict considers it a religious
war...doesn't that automatically make it a religious
Shouldn't "radical muslims" be called "extreme islamic


sno said:
May you can figure out the approx. gain from cooling from
this link.....

See Solar Panel Rating....close to the bottom of the page.

have fun.....sno

Since you are going for maximum power out....if you do not
already have one I would suggest a maximum power point
tracker....explanation at bottom of link above...

I have seen, somewhere on the net, a schematic of one you
can build yourself....not able to find it at this time...

Maybe someone reading this knows where one is....schematic...

have fun....sno


Duane C. Johnson said:
The inner tube was for the air cussion.
Yes, there can be an air cussion without the tube
but the air can slowly disolve in the water and the
pump will stop working. The tube retains the air.

Some designs also have a small "snifter" hole which
adds small bits of air to replenish the cussion.

Aah, the snifter hole. I forgot about that. I did use the snifter hole

It worked fine without the inner tube. The dump valve
does not seem to be very critical--I made one from a PVC
tee fitting and an end cap with a few holes drilled in it
with a stainless screw in the middle with a seal on the
inside and a small weight on the outside. It worked on
the first try. From what I read the biggest mistake some
people made was using a flexible pipe to feed the pump.
I used SCH 40 PVC and it was rigid enough. To me it's
amazing that someone thought of it in the first place.
But, I guess if electric motors haven't been invented yet...


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Dale Eastman said:
This should load a little quicker. When I had dialup, 52K, the download
time was reasonable:

I didn't click on that link when I found it doing a Yahoo! search because it
had a Yahoo! Spam warning. And I was just getting to where I only got
about 30-40 spams a day. Oh well, here goes...

The fellow built a "Curnutt furnace" which AFAIK was the one originally
on mother earth.

Yea, I think his first name is Charles. MAN says they made some
improvements so I was also hoping to find the original design for comparison
because they seem to be a bit arrogant.


Dale Eastman said:
I'm assuming a piston pump. Although a piston pump is a "positive
displacement device" you won't have a 100% seal at the rings. You are
describing "leak down". Your pressure is escaping around the piston(s).

Yea, that was my deduction but with rings in good shape I still would have
expected some build up of compression at 60 rpm or so. I have not taken
apart a typical sized piston type air compressor (yet--have enough stuff to
fix already) but I did take apart one of those little 12 volt tire inflators
and it had no piston rings. I guess the idea is that it moves faster than
the air can get past the piston.
So you are correct about compressor pump speed if it is a piston pump.

This should get you thinking in the correct direction:

Put a crank on your wind turbine and use the reciprocating motion to
work a bellows.

An automotive air bag, with a pair of check valves could be used to make
a positive displacement bellows.
This one costs $50.

Thanks for all the links!


Neon John said:
Typical wrong Wikipedia "the roulette wheel of knowledge" entry.

A ram will NOT work without the air chamber, at least not to any practical
utility. It might spurt a little water out of its unconnected outlet but it
will NOT push water through any useful amount of pipe.

I've spent FAR too much time bleeding the old bladderless air chambers to let
that one go unchecked.

How's that old saying go? "Better to be thought a fool than to cite Wikipedia
and remove all doubt." Yeah, that's the one.


My take on the air chamber is that it's essential and that the incoming
water compresses the air and when the valve opens the compressed air pushes
the water past the check valve.


Dale Eastman said:
Why does that commercial from awhile back run in my mind:

"Do you YaHooooo?"

No, I EarthLink.

I haven't seen any spam from that site (Phoenix Tesla Builders Club) and
I do scan the subject line and sender of all the spam I get just in case
my filter trash cans a non spam email.

? I don't know about arrogant.

Can't argue with "930f range and steam pressures up to 40 lbs" though.
It's a good article for ideas for when I get around to doing this type
of serious playing.
What I meant by "arrogant" is that the few articles that I've read on MAN
start out by saying what a great gadget someone made but they can do it
better. I mean, if they are so smart why didn't they do it in the first
place? I'm not saying they don't actually make some real improvements but
their articles sometimes belittle the original disigners to some degree and
leave a bad taste in my mouth.


Dale Eastman said:
My bad. I didn't catch what you meant by MAN (mother earth news).

Sorry. I qualified it a previous post before resorting to acronyms ;-)


yaeh cold water on a hot chip . KABOOM crack crack crack
lots of broken cells