Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Computer powered through inductance?


Reinardt Behm

w_tom said:
Again, stop with the mysticism. It's called a transformer.
One example was used in that pathetic GM electric car called
EV-1 (which was made defective when GM bean counters ordered
the innovator to downgrade to lead acid batteries). The car
had numerous neat little ideas. Then cost controllers 'fixed'
the design after engineers had finished the design. But
again, it is called a transformer as was taught in primary
school science.

Notice what must be inside that laptop. The secondary coil
of that transformer. Without the special design, a laptop
cannot recharge. Furthermore, the recharge would be both
inefficient and slow.

And it will have interesting effects on the data on the harddisk.


A myth that those external magnetic fields will erase disk
drives. We would touch magnetized screwdrivers to floppy
diskettes and still not erase any data. Numbers explain why.
A magnetic field necessary to cause dipole changes (to erase
data) is far too large.

Take apart a hard drive. Remove those magnets that are
inside the drive and adjacent to the disk platter - to move
heads. Put your finger between those two magnets. Feel the
pain? Disk drives contain magnets far more powerful than
external fields. So those magnets inside the hard drive and
adjacent to the platter also erase the hard drive? The
numbers - a relationship even measured by pain - says those
external fields are not destructive.

John Woodgate

I read in that Reinardt Behm <reinhardt.behm@t-

Maybe not: it needs calculating to be sure. What makes a lot of
difference is having exposed pole-pieces on the base of the portable. An
air gap is a killer.
And it will have interesting effects on the data on the harddisk.

I think that can be easily avoided, too.