Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CF lights and dimmers



Will a dimmer ruin the ballast of a non-dimmable CF light?


Victor Roberts

Will a dimmer ruin the ballast of a non-dimmable CF light?


More likely that the ballast will first ruin the dimmer and the lamp
portion of the integrated CFL. Once the lamp fails, then the ballast
will fail.

George Elkins

I realize it's slightly off-topic, but are there any dimmable CFs? I
haven't seen any yet in Home Depot/Loews.

George Elkins

Victor Roberts

I realize it's slightly off-topic, but are there any dimmable CFs? I
haven't seen any yet in Home Depot/Loews.

Yes! Just finished checking this for another project. Both GE and
Philips make screw-base products that are compatible with incandescent
phase control dimmers and other products compatible with incandescent
3-way sockets. I thought I had seen the Philips products at Home

Victor Roberts

I realize it's slightly off-topic, but are there any dimmable CFs? I
haven't seen any yet in Home Depot/Loews.

3-way and phase control integral CFL lamps are also made by Technical
Consumer Products (TCP) under their SpringLamp brand.

George Elkins


Victor Roberts said:
Yes! Just finished checking this for another project. Both GE and
Philips make screw-base products that are compatible with incandescent
phase control dimmers and other products compatible with incandescent
3-way sockets. I thought I had seen the Philips products at Home

David Bangs

TCP makes some very good dimmable fluorescent lamps that work with standard
incandescent dimmers. I've been using for my kitchen track lighting for
over a year with no problems or failures.

Goodmart has quite a variety, but you buy them by the case of 6. I'm using
the Uniflood R30s and a few R40s.
If the "bulb" does burn out, you can replace just that part using a four pin
spiral replacement.
These come on plenty bright immediately, with no flicker. Some flickering
occurs if you dim too low, especially when cold. Good warm color, but color
get whiter if you leave them full-on for a long time.

I'm going to try the dedicated dimmable track lights. A great price value! also carries TCP dimmable CFL's, and you can order them in

--David Bangs

George Elkins said:
I realize it's slightly off-topic, but are there any dimmable CFs? I
haven't seen any yet in Home Depot/Loews.

George Elkins