Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CCTV smart detection concept

Someone told me that there is a way to detect if a chair has been occupied using a cctv. He described it as the CCTV constantly comparing what it is seeing to a 'base image' and then to be able to recognize when a change has occurred in what it is seeing compared to that base image only for the are of the screen where the chair is. What is this concept called officially so I can look it up and where could I find a tutorial on this?
Many entry level DVRs sold for CCTV offer motion detection, and allow you to select or mask off a region of video for detection.
This isn't a smart system by any means... it just detects motion, which is done by comparing old frames.

Additionally, there is a project called openCV. I have not dug into it in too much depth, but it includes libraries for simple motion detection to some advanced image recognition.
Basic motion detectors are fairly common these days.I think you are looking for photo-sensor motion detector.
It have two components: a laser beam and a light sensor.
In a home security system,when somebody walks between the light source and the sensor, the path of the beam is blocked briefly. The sensor registers a drop in light levels and sends a signal to the control box.
In production lines it is called AOI - Automatic Optical Inspection. As an example, the computer has in memory an image or a perfectly assembled printed circuit board. It compares that image to one from a unit on a production line to see if pares are missing, installed crooked, etc.
