Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CASIO CA - 110

Hello and great to be here ! I dont really know were to post so i will do it here,sorry if i am wrong ! I have the CASIO CA - 110 keyboard witch i received for free and the problem with hear is wen powered up will not sound at all,just the power led turns red and thats it.I have opened up but would apeciate dsome help from experts like you as a datasheet or better said schematic diagram or how advices ! Thank you all and all the best from Romania !


hi there
welcome to the forums :)

have you done any searching for schematics etc yet ?
what happens when you type CASIO CA - 110 keyboard service manual or schematic into google ?
maybe contact casio directly from their www site and see if they can help with info

@davenn Thank you ! I searched allot but could not find the schematic only the user manual,i guess will try to contact the casio company but since the keyboard is from 1992 ... 1993 dont know for sure will help me ! All the best !:)
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Dont know for sure yet but i bet its the OKI M6387-13 and it cant be found anymore:(so there is not much to do with it if this ic is dead,maybe turn it into a new keyboard by building her another electronic block but how .... ?:(
And another thing,in the power circuit i found a bad diode,made of glass,transparent and only one green band,what can it bee,thanks !?