Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CA-110 casio keyboard - is it dead?

I have a CASIO CA-110 that has stopped working. I can't get a red light at the power switch whether on adapter or (new) duracell batteries.
Is it dead or repairable?


hi there

welcome :)

I have moved this to the more appropriate repair section of the forum

Is it dead or repairable?

difficult to say with not a lot of info to go on

do you have a multimeter and know how to use it well ?
have you tried to open up the unit ?
if so, did you find any broken wires or corrosion from leaking batteries ?

if you have or do open it up, show us some sharp and well lit pics of the battery holder and circuit board

there hasn't been any visible battery corrosion...I have a multimeter that MIGHT visible broken wires..