I need a 16v 220uF Capacitor. Anyone know where I can find one online?
Chase after truth like hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never
touch its coat-tails.
-Clarence Darrow
[email protected] http://www.memeticcandiru.com
SURE!! There are several EXCELLENT on-line vendors, with great
service, very low prices, and no minimum order, or small-order fees.
[I didn't read this whole thread, yet. But most of the few replies
that I DID see were somewhat rude and sneering, in addition to being
just plain WRONG. Amazingly, to me, THOSE were the people who jumped
in FIRST! Geez, people! If you don't KNOW what you're talking about,
AND you're going to be un-helpful or rude, what makes you jump in
ANyway: I often buy 10 sets of several hundred components and parts,
for the Curve Tracer kits that I sell (see
http://www.fullnet.com/u/tomg/gooteect.htm ). And I have spent quite
a bit of time searching for the best electronic components vendors.
In my case, "best" means a vendor that has: 1) the lowest prices for
high-quality components, and 2) an inventory that includes as many of
the components that I need as possible (since ordering from fewer
vendors saves me time and money, and 3) fast, reliable service and
delivery, among other things.
Everyone always seems to mention Digikey, as if they're a great source
for components. And I can't understand why. I might use them,
occasionally, if they happen to be the only place that I can find a
particular part. But typically their prices are outrageous.
My favorite supplier is
http://www.mouser.com . They have a huge
selection, which has grown considerably in just the last year or two,
with a catalog that is quickly approaching the thickness of
But, sometimes, for certain items, it's still better to go to
http://www.jameco.com .
And, of course, if you're looking for some VTL5C2 Vactrol (Analog
Optical Isolator) components, then you almost HAVE to go to
http://www.bgmicro.com . They also have other interesting stuff, and
sometimes have good specials. Their service is quite good, too.
Ebay is pretty good, too, especially for someone like me who actually
needs to buy large quantities, especially if I can get 100 (or 1000)
of something for the price of 20. But, in your case, you might want
to ask about the AGE of any electrolytic capacitors that you're
considering bidding on, since electrolytics can (and usually do)
deteriorate while just sitting on the shelf.
Good luck!
Tom Gootee