Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Buying electronic components online?

In can.general James Lerch said:
I've done three $25ish orders in the last few weeks (it's amazing how
many ways I can find to blow up the same mos-fet driver, but that's a
different story..)
BTW, my $25+ orders were just so I wouldn't get hit with "HUGE" $5
surcharge on orders less than $25

It sounds like I turn a wrong turn somewhere. I found the part I needed,
but the web interface wouldn't let me order less than 2000.


"After we become a strong force as the result of the creation of the state,
we shall abolish partition and expand to the whole of Palestine. "

- Isreali founding father David Ben-Gurion

[email protected]
In can.general Peter A Forbes said:
We've propably got some 220/16V radials on the shelf here or at work, if the OP
gives me a mailing address I'll throw some in a jiffy bag for free, but he'll
have to pay the airmail postage.

Thank you for your kind offer, sir - I've already found a few closer to home
on Ebay.


One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in

-Wayne Gretzky

[email protected]

Roger Gt

: > Bull droppings!
: > There is a $6.00 handling charge for over seas paperwork, plus
: > shipping. A $5.00 charge is IF the order is less than #25.00
: > Those Caps are more than that, so only the $6 and shipping
: As far as the web interface goes, I picked the cap I wanted, and
entered a
: quantity of "5". It wouldn't let me proceed, until I entered
a quantity
: of 2000.
: Perhaps there are ways around this, but the web interface was
quite clear.

Well, select the part that is not a Reel lot component! Sort for
BULK and it will accept the entry for "5" It is really very
simple to do, jus follow the directions. BTW the part you listed
showed 0 in stock!

Michael Black

[email protected] wrote in message news: said:
I need a 16v 220uF Capacitor. Anyone know where I can find one online?
So you posted this to:
I didn't know the first existed, as pointed out the second one should
have been killed off years ago, and the third one is really the vital

Not because can.general is the best place to ask where to buy electronic
components. But either you are really clueless, or you've posted there
because you are in Canada.

That fact is fairly important. Because for a single component, you
would likely be better off finding a place in Canada. But since you
didn't say that, and did not indicate where in Canada you are, you will
not get the optimum answer.

If you'd said you were in one of the major cities, then likely you'd
find people in those cities who could tell you the local places. If it's
not a large city, then maybe someone could point out a place in Canada
that deals in small orders. Though, as the years proceed that is less
and less likely. As pointed out, these are really common parts, so had
you specified where you were, someone might have offered up a capacitor
right in your own backyard. Without specifying where you are, nobody
will chime in and say that they don't have the parts, but the local
amateur radio club is having their fleamarket this week and you might
find the part there (or is having their fleamarket some months in
the future, but attending might still be useful). As it is, if
you are interested in electronics beyond this capacitor, keep in
mind that the Radio Amateurs of Canada keep a list of such fleamarkets
in Canada at their site at and such fleamarkets can
often offer up plenty of useful parts, books, magazines, scrap boards,
test equipment and other neat stuff for the electronic hobbyist.

Just about any piece of consumer electronics will have that value of
capacitor (though maybe not exact voltage, make sure the rating is
higher than you need), and so that VCR waiting for the garbage will offer
one up (though you always risk that that particular capacitor is bad).

And given the larger value, most applications will be filter capacitors
or bypass capacitors, and the exact value won't be so important. This
means if you seek mail order because you could only get the next common
value locally, you could probably make do with what is available.
Coupling capacitors likewise aren't too critical. Of course, we have
no idea what you need this capacitor for, so we can't help you in
suggesting what can be replaced with another value). For that matter,
if you are stuck on that voltage rating, that may not be an issue either.


Peter A Forbes

Thank you for your kind offer, sir - I've already found a few closer to home
on Ebay.

Way to go :)) Glad you have got sorted out OK.


Spehro Pefhany

On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 06:23:43 GMT, the renowned
??????? $2000 min order? Where did that come from?

I've done three $25ish orders in the last few weeks (it's amazing how
many ways I can find to blow up the same mos-fet driver, but that's a
different story..)

BTW, my $25+ orders were just so I wouldn't get hit with "HUGE" $5
surcharge on orders less than $25

Yup. I usually have one big order for a major project, with maybe one
small one in advance and one or two afterward. There are always supply
items that can be added on to bring the small ones up to the 25
US/32.50 C$ level.

Sometimes having that virtual stock can save the customer money- I was
able to go through two iterations of ordering samples (the first was
auto-cancelled after a week due to a problem with the zip code or
something) and get the "free" parts from Asia in the same time frame
as the multilayer board samples took, secure in the knowledge that if
they didn't show up in time Digikey could provide them overnight for

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Spehro Pefhany

Bull droppings!
There is a $6.00 handling charge for over seas paperwork, plus
shipping. A $5.00 charge is the order id less that #25.00
Those Caps are more than that, so only the $6 and shipping apply.

As far as the web interface goes, I picked the cap I wanted, and entered a
quantity of "5". It wouldn't let me proceed, until I entered a quantity
of 2000.

Perhaps there are ways around this, but the web interface was quite clear.[/QUOTE]

Look at the packaging- if it is "tape and reel" then the minimum
standard quantity is one reel, which is probably 2,000 pieces.

If you're looking for prototype quantities, restrict your search to
such packaging as "bulk" and "cut tape".

For example, the Panasonic ECA-1CM221 (P5139-ND) "bulk" 16V 220uF
radial 85°C is 0.35 US for one, 0.187 for 10 and they have 30,000 in

They state the standard packaging as bags of 200, but you don't have
to make things easy for them (and they don't give a price break for
ordering in multiples of 200). You can order 1,013 pieces and get the
1,000 piece price on all. You'll probably get something like 5 bags of
200, one bag of 10 and three individual parts.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Rich Grise

There are dozens if not hundreds of vendors on Ebay who'll do that for
you. Norm, you're just not looking in the right places. ;-)

BTW, I wish these clueless ISPs that allow you people to post to
nonexistent newsgroups such as sci.electronics would get a clue. That
newsgroup was removed and replaced by the current sci.electronics.*
structure 6 or more years ago. It shouldn't _be_ there.

So, should I unsubscribe?

Thomas P. Gootee

[email protected] wrote in message news: said:
I need a 16v 220uF Capacitor. Anyone know where I can find one online?


Chase after truth like hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never
touch its coat-tails.
-Clarence Darrow

[email protected]

SURE!! There are several EXCELLENT on-line vendors, with great
service, very low prices, and no minimum order, or small-order fees.

[I didn't read this whole thread, yet. But most of the few replies
that I DID see were somewhat rude and sneering, in addition to being
just plain WRONG. Amazingly, to me, THOSE were the people who jumped
in FIRST! Geez, people! If you don't KNOW what you're talking about,
AND you're going to be un-helpful or rude, what makes you jump in

ANyway: I often buy 10 sets of several hundred components and parts,
for the Curve Tracer kits that I sell (see ). And I have spent quite
a bit of time searching for the best electronic components vendors.
In my case, "best" means a vendor that has: 1) the lowest prices for
high-quality components, and 2) an inventory that includes as many of
the components that I need as possible (since ordering from fewer
vendors saves me time and money, and 3) fast, reliable service and
delivery, among other things.

Everyone always seems to mention Digikey, as if they're a great source
for components. And I can't understand why. I might use them,
occasionally, if they happen to be the only place that I can find a
particular part. But typically their prices are outrageous.

My favorite supplier is . They have a huge
selection, which has grown considerably in just the last year or two,
with a catalog that is quickly approaching the thickness of

But, sometimes, for certain items, it's still better to go to .

And, of course, if you're looking for some VTL5C2 Vactrol (Analog
Optical Isolator) components, then you almost HAVE to go to . They also have other interesting stuff, and
sometimes have good specials. Their service is quite good, too.

Ebay is pretty good, too, especially for someone like me who actually
needs to buy large quantities, especially if I can get 100 (or 1000)
of something for the price of 20. But, in your case, you might want
to ask about the AGE of any electrolytic capacitors that you're
considering bidding on, since electrolytics can (and usually do)
deteriorate while just sitting on the shelf.

Good luck!



Tom Gootee

Robert Baer

Thomas P. Gootee said:
[email protected] wrote in message news: said:
I need a 16v 220uF Capacitor. Anyone know where I can find one online?


Chase after truth like hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never
touch its coat-tails.
-Clarence Darrow

[email protected]

SURE!! There are several EXCELLENT on-line vendors, with great
service, very low prices, and no minimum order, or small-order fees.

[I didn't read this whole thread, yet. But most of the few replies
that I DID see were somewhat rude and sneering, in addition to being
just plain WRONG. Amazingly, to me, THOSE were the people who jumped
in FIRST! Geez, people! If you don't KNOW what you're talking about,
AND you're going to be un-helpful or rude, what makes you jump in

ANyway: I often buy 10 sets of several hundred components and parts,
for the Curve Tracer kits that I sell (see ). And I have spent quite
a bit of time searching for the best electronic components vendors.
In my case, "best" means a vendor that has: 1) the lowest prices for
high-quality components, and 2) an inventory that includes as many of
the components that I need as possible (since ordering from fewer
vendors saves me time and money, and 3) fast, reliable service and
delivery, among other things.

Everyone always seems to mention Digikey, as if they're a great source
for components. And I can't understand why. I might use them,
occasionally, if they happen to be the only place that I can find a
particular part. But typically their prices are outrageous.

My favorite supplier is . They have a huge
selection, which has grown considerably in just the last year or two,
with a catalog that is quickly approaching the thickness of

But, sometimes, for certain items, it's still better to go to .

And, of course, if you're looking for some VTL5C2 Vactrol (Analog
Optical Isolator) components, then you almost HAVE to go to . They also have other interesting stuff, and
sometimes have good specials. Their service is quite good, too.

Ebay is pretty good, too, especially for someone like me who actually
needs to buy large quantities, especially if I can get 100 (or 1000)
of something for the price of 20. But, in your case, you might want
to ask about the AGE of any electrolytic capacitors that you're
considering bidding on, since electrolytics can (and usually do)
deteriorate while just sitting on the shelf.

Good luck!



Tom Gootee

Regarding deterioration of alumunum electrolytics, i have seen that
after about 20 years:
1) the older and long obsolete wet electrolytics deteriated in the 10-20
year period, mostly because they went dry from the heat by the tubes in
the radio. Rejuvination was usually possible.
2) "modern" dry electrolytics usually take about 20 years if used
sporadically during the first 5 years, and take about 15 years if sit on
the shelf. Again, rejuvination is usually sucessful (obviously does not
require replacement of a liquid electrolyte).

John Miller


Where is the $2000 minimum order specified?

According to the Digikey web site:

A $5 handling charge is added to your order if the subtotal is less than
6.5 percent sales tax is added to your order if the shipping address is in
International orders (excluding Canada) will have a $6.00 processing fee
added to your order.
All duties and taxes are the responsibility of the customer.

I've heard this $2000 bit before....


John Miller

The said:
I've heard this $2000 bit before....

You probably heard it here, from someone who was looking at prices in the
"components on reels" section instead of the individual parts.

The real John Miller
Email address: domain,; username, jsm

"Send lawyers, guns and money..."
-Lyrics from a Warren Zevon song