Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Buying electronic components online?

I need a 16v 220uF Capacitor. Anyone know where I can find one online?


Chase after truth like hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never
touch its coat-tails.
-Clarence Darrow

[email protected]

Roger Gt

: I need a 16v 220uF Capacitor. Anyone know where I can find one

Digikey lists three if you do the search.

Norm Dresner

They do... Unfortunately, minimum order is $2000.

I only need ~5.
Do you really expect to find a vendor who has no minimum order and no
outrageous charges for small orders?

I wouldn't.
In can.general Norm Dresner said:
Do you really expect to find a vendor who has no minimum order and no
outrageous charges for small orders?

I dot expect that. All I ask is a vendor without minimum order.


Truth is always the enemy of power. And power the enemy of truth.

[email protected]

Roger Gt

: > Digikey lists three if you do the search.
: They do... Unfortunately, minimum order is $2000.
: I only need ~5.

Bull droppings!

There is a $6.00 handling charge for over seas paperwork, plus
shipping. A $5.00 charge is the order id less that #25.00

Those Caps are more than that, so only the $6 and shipping apply.

I do business with Digikey all the time, never had any problem nor
a minimum order! (My buys for prototypes are usually about
$200.00 and they are prompt to ship.

Roger Gt

Peter Bennett

They do... Unfortunately, minimum order is $2000.

I only need ~5.

Where do you see that?

I found 4019PHCT-NT at $0.47, minimum order 1. However, you can buy
the same part in a box or reel, where the minimum order is 500 (but
they are only $0.22 that way).

Digikey's minimum order is US$25, I believe. I suspect that any
online supplier will have a minimum order value, as it simply is not
economic to process an order for $2.50 worth of parts.

Peter Bennett, VE7CEI
peterbb4 (at)
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Norm Dresner

Peter Bennett said:
Where do you see that?

I found 4019PHCT-NT at $0.47, minimum order 1. However, you can buy
the same part in a box or reel, where the minimum order is 500 (but
they are only $0.22 that way).

Digikey's minimum order is US$25, I believe. I suspect that any
online supplier will have a minimum order value, as it simply is not
economic to process an order for $2.50 worth of parts.

Most have minimum orders.

has no mimimum but a $6 fixed S/H charge on all orders.

Do you really expect to find a vendor who has no minimum order and no
outrageous charges for small orders?

I wouldn't.

Try . No minimum and generally good prices and
service. Or just stop in a Radio Shack and pay more than you could
have bought them mailorder&shipped.


James Lerch

They do... Unfortunately, minimum order is $2000.

??????? $2000 min order? Where did that come from?

I've done three $25ish orders in the last few weeks (it's amazing how
many ways I can find to blow up the same mos-fet driver, but that's a
different story..)

BTW, my $25+ orders were just so I wouldn't get hit with "HUGE" $5
surcharge on orders less than $25

BTW, Quick search at for "220uF 16v" gives a bunch of
options. For instance (all with single unit min orders)

Two different Tantalum caps starting at $9.91

One specialty Polymer cap @ $3.08

Nine electrolytic caps starting @ $0.35

BTW, if your in the US, USPS Priority is cheaper than UPS ground, and
a whole heck of a lot faster (two days in my case)

Take Care,
James Lerch (My telescope construction, Testing, and Coating site)

Press on: nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance.
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge

Watson A.Name - \Watt Sun, the Dark Remover\

I need a 16v 220uF Capacitor. Anyone know where I can find one online?

Chase after truth like hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never
touch its coat-tails.

They're as common as dog doo-doo at websites such as Mouser and
We all wish you'd "Chase after" your parts "like hell" by doing a simple
google search for them.

Watson A.Name - \Watt Sun, the Dark Remover\

I dot expect that. All I ask is a vendor without minimum order.

There are dozens if not hundreds of vendors on Ebay who'll do that for
you. Norm, you're just not looking in the right places. ;-)

BTW, I wish these clueless ISPs that allow you people to post to
nonexistent newsgroups such as sci.electronics would get a clue. That
newsgroup was removed and replaced by the current sci.electronics.*
structure 6 or more years ago. It shouldn't _be_ there.

Watson A.Name - \Watt Sun, the Dark Remover\

Peter Bennett said:
Where do you see that?

I found 4019PHCT-NT at $0.47, minimum order 1. However, you can buy
the same part in a box or reel, where the minimum order is 500 (but
they are only $0.22 that way).

Digikey's minimum order is US$25, I believe. I suspect that any
online supplier will have a minimum order value, as it simply is not
economic to process an order for $2.50 worth of parts.

The vendors on Ebay don't seem to think that's true. They'll sell you a
few bucks of parts and ship 'em for a couple dollars.

And there are plenty of vendors there that are from the UK, judging by
the number of prices that are listed in GBP.

Peter A Forbes

The vendors on Ebay don't seem to think that's true. They'll sell you a
few bucks of parts and ship 'em for a couple dollars.

And there are plenty of vendors there that are from the UK, judging by
the number of prices that are listed in GBP.

We've propably got some 220/16V radials on the shelf here or at work, if the OP
gives me a mailing address I'll throw some in a jiffy bag for free, but he'll
have to pay the airmail postage.

We have a couple of million resistors and capacitors of all types in the
workshop downstairs, I'll have to make up a list so I can get them moved on,
they take up a LOT of room! Elco's we don't hold on to, only ceramics, poly and
some of the high-range Tant's.

In can.general Roger Gt said:
Bull droppings!
There is a $6.00 handling charge for over seas paperwork, plus
shipping. A $5.00 charge is the order id less that #25.00
Those Caps are more than that, so only the $6 and shipping apply.

As far as the web interface goes, I picked the cap I wanted, and entered a
quantity of "5". It wouldn't let me proceed, until I entered a quantity
of 2000.

Perhaps there are ways around this, but the web interface was quite clear.


"After we become a strong force as the result of the creation of the state,
we shall abolish partition and expand to the whole of Palestine. "

- Isreali founding father David Ben-Gurion

[email protected]
In can.general "Watson A.Name - \"Watt Sun said:
There are dozens if not hundreds of vendors on Ebay who'll do that for
you. Norm, you're just not looking in the right places. ;-)

Excellent suggestion! Just found a few!



"After we become a strong force as the result of the creation of the state,
we shall abolish partition and expand to the whole of Palestine. "

- Isreali founding father David Ben-Gurion

[email protected]