Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Beginner question : 555 timer pin 4

And talk about being a newbie... I just discovered stripboard ! I've been drilling 1mm holes in epoxy board and failing to line up the holes properly. Sigh... Feel like a right numpty...

Stripboard and Fritzing : that's quite a combination... they have the bridge rectifier part I'm using so I just left space.

Why does your stripboard use wires parallel with strips?? Then you cut those strips where they should not be cut.

You're referring to the first orange wire I assume. Yes it's a little harder to follow when you only have the picture. The trimmer wiper feeds directly into pin 3 (1IN+), so I have to cut the rows above and below that.

I'm not denying there may be better configurations friend, I'm just a beginner at this.
Actually I realise that my question has been answered and this is turning more into a project log. I'll create a new one and consider this question closed. STEVE - thanks a million for your help buddy.