Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Arduino programming...for absolute NOOBZ

Where is the go to place for the language used to program an arduino? I have found some places online but surely there is a central source with projects and classes.
Where is the go to place for the language used to program an arduino? I have found some places online but surely there is a central source with projects and classes.
Are you familiar with any programming languages now?

Learning another when you understand one is trivial. You can find resources everywhere!
The Arduino site has a good resource to lookup all the functions and operators that can be used.
Other than that, you pick a project idea and jump in with both feet asking questions and surfing along the way!
Unless you plan to tweak things as you go along... some tutorials will simply give you wire diagrams and code to copy/paste use... This does very poorly in teaching you how it actually works unless you experiment. When you go digging you want example code that is very well commented. You should know or be able to find out what every single word or line is used for!

Of course, you can always give us a shout if you have any questions.
I know nothing about programming. I am however a hands on learner. I think if I set up a project then upload the code, then I can see what the steps do. It may take me a while to learn the basics of the code and be able to write my own but as an electronics hobbyist/enthusiast, I will stick with it until I get the hang of it. but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I have always had an interest in this field and have since I was little.

Thanks for the help!
Well. The first programming step is usually 'hello world'
This is usually turning an LED on with the micro controller. Then you make it flash.
You then expand on the previous step by adding more LEDs or a button/

The best way I could describe programming is writing out instructions for a stupid person to follow to complete a task.
You need to tell your program to do everything. You can't assume it will do any steps for you.

The trickiest part is remembering some of the syntax. If you thought you English teacher was picky about punctuation and spelling, your in for a treat!
Of course, there is google, and a list of references for you to use so you can always find out how a specific command should be used.
There have to be plenty of Arduino tutorials out there, but I am not going to google it for you.

Bobk . is a great resource for pointing those out.

bigone5500, I can't specifically link you a great tutorial or resource for learning, as I have learned from a very very broad range. The best we can do is help if you get stuck, but the links in my last post should get you started.