Maker Pro
Maker Pro

AIWA - NSX-S888 - Power Supply Info

I recently acquired this AIWA -NSX-S888 Stereo System and downloaded service manual. I wish to connect the MP3 decoder board to this using the same power supply in this unit. I have a 12V to 5V car mobile phone charger and planning to use this as power source for MP3 decoder.
My Question is:
Can I get the 12v from the unit to power up the car charger which in turn will give me 5v ? If yes, then from where ? What is the right way to connect it ?

Kind Regards
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Go to your AIWA manual page 25 and Then refer to schematic diagram number nine.
That is showing the power supply and if you look at the main connector on that supply. You're going to find only one supply voltage will possibly be at the proper type and voltage range that you will be needing, that is being on pin number seven .
Measure that DC voltage present, and see what level it is.
If too low go to the lower main standby circuit and locate CD11 main supply electrolytic and measure across it to see if it's output level is either what you need or even more .


BUT . . . .after being able to read the specification on your Tuner / Player unit, it looks like the unit is actually running off 5 volts, but the kicker is that 800 Mils of power consumption . The receiver power supply would not be able to handle it with its power supply .
A separate 1 amp power supply being needed for that unit.

73's de Edd
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Hi 73's de Edd,
I have connected as you suggested number seven and GND to the Car USB Charger which gives me 5v 2.1Amp. Works as expected. :) Thank you so much for your help.
