Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Adjust COnvergence on Viewsonic P815 CRT?


Jaime Pirnie

So my wife and I both have Viewsonic P815 21" CRT monitors. We've had them
for a number of years. They are both getting farther and farther out of
convergence. The screen is out of convergence in different areas of the
screen so adjusting the convergence with the OSD just fixes one area and
makes the other areas worse.

Does anyone know a way to adjust the different areas? I'm guessing that I'll
have to pull the back off the monitor if needed. I'm also fully aware of
the flyback transformer that's in CRTs so I'll be pretty careful about
sticking my paws in there. I also use plastic tools for turning pots and

Any help or guidance would be appreciated. If there is another public
folder that this would be better for, please let me know.

Thank you, Happy Thanksgiving,


James Sweet

Jaime Pirnie said:
So my wife and I both have Viewsonic P815 21" CRT monitors. We've had them
for a number of years. They are both getting farther and farther out of
convergence. The screen is out of convergence in different areas of the
screen so adjusting the convergence with the OSD just fixes one area and
makes the other areas worse.

Does anyone know a way to adjust the different areas? I'm guessing that I'll
have to pull the back off the monitor if needed. I'm also fully aware of
the flyback transformer that's in CRTs so I'll be pretty careful about
sticking my paws in there. I also use plastic tools for turning pots and

Any help or guidance would be appreciated. If there is another public
folder that this would be better for, please let me know.

This is a Trinitron monitor right? Is the convergence problem horizontal or
vertical? Does it change at all as the monitor warms up? You have to be
careful trying to adjust out a fault like this, sometimes it's a number of
components experiencing normal aging and an adjustment is appropriate, but
often something is much further out of tolerance, such as an electrolytic
capacitor that's dried up and adjusting is a temporary fix at best and can
make the problem worse.
If it's just the horizontal convergence, most Trinitron tubes have a pot on
the neck board that can be adjusted which may fix your problem, at any rate
if the user controls won't fix it you'll have to pop the top and have a look

Jaime Pirnie

I'll make sure tonight to let it warm up for about a half hour or so and
then take a closer look at exactly where the adjustments are needed. The
last time I looked it was near the edges of the screen but I'll take a look
again and see exactly where things are out of whack. I think it is a
Trinitron tube yeah. This wasn't something that just happened it's been
slowly happening over time so I think if I can adjust it I might be able to
get some more time out of this thing.
