Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ademco/Hayes 2400


Mark Leuck

Jackcsg said:
I see...the bottom line is your cheap.

No, I love the higher end panels however the vast majority of installers use
lower-end panels which is partly why DMP makes them.

Every single Panel DMP Makes can
communicate CID, so I don't know where you got your information.

Umm the installation manuals, the XR5FC won't do CID, neither will the XR-10
unless they've updated it since I've downloaded the documentation
The XR-5,
6, Super6, 10, 20 and 40 can do 4-2. I agree that 4-2 is retarded, however,
it is the Majority of formats being used by digital communicators, and most
resi companies.

Not from my experience, the majority is either SIA or Contact ID but I can
only speak for the current and previous company I've worked for
The XR-6 cannot be programmed through the iCOMsl, it can
only transmit and detect Network Troubles.

I know, btw I can program Radionics 9412's over the net and Caddx NX panels,
this really isn't a panel vs panel debate since each brand has strengths and
weaknesses, you prefer DMP and I like Ademco and GE
I haven't had an installation
small enough yet to justify installing one as of yet. I only do commercial

DMP will talk to anyone, provided you pick up the actual phone...they
don't have walkie talkie's.

Oh they'll say hi alright, want any more info and you have to become a
What panel of Ademco can I program across the
Internet? DMP has one that can't be, Ademco - ALL. Why? Because Ademco's
unit is a slave, which dealers (who actually run Central Stations) have to
pay $50.00 a month to have the information FORWARDED to them. Nice


Its a first generation product and many of the functions are still not
implemented, what is there now to me is easier to install than DMP or
Radionics and I'm sure the future products will be as well. To me Internet
monitoring is still in its infancy no matter who makes the product. The unit
may be a slave but the Symphony can get the weather forcast, stock prices
and a few other things and is an excellent keypad.

I still haven't gotten confirmation of the $50.00 charge but if you say so
I'm sure it is true


The XR-10 is obsolete, and yes there have been firmware updates that make
all the panels transmit CID. You bring up Radionic's and bitch about a
dealer program? Your right it isn't a panel vs. panel debate, I just find it
humorous that you need to bring up three different manufacturers that can
compare to one. Ademco is always in it's infancy. What does stock quotes,
and weather have to do with security? The Symphony is limited to where it's
mounted, and costly. I can do the same thing from any PC with a
browser(On-Site or Off), or a wireless PDA, and view video cameras from
either. I have one customer who views it from any of his POS registers
throughout his facility. I've heard good things about Caddx, it's probably
the only control panel I have never installed...but it doesn't do access
control, nor do they have a commercial fire package. What information are
you requiring about DMP? Maybe I can help...even if your just curious. There
are no secrets.


Mark Leuck

Jackcsg said:
The XR-10 is obsolete, and yes there have been firmware updates that make
all the panels transmit CID. You bring up Radionic's and bitch about a
dealer program? Your right it isn't a panel vs. panel debate, I just find it
humorous that you need to bring up three different manufacturers that can
compare to one.

As I said much of my documentation ranges from new to old on some of these
panels, Radionics does has much the same restrictive type dealer program as
DMP but at least they will talk to me when I call and they sent me the
internet package to test. They later had a rep show me how to set up the
network download package.
Ademco is always in it's infancy. What does stock quotes,
and weather have to do with security?

Plenty, there is more to a security system than being able to program it
over the net, people actually have to use it. It does have advantages over
the DMP and Radionics equipment and it does have weaknesses. Main advantage
is it is extremely easy to set up compared to the Radionics package and from
what I've seen with DMP. I imagine Ademco took a wait and see to internet
monitoring just like most of the other manufacturers so the equipment now
doesn't support downloading however I'm sure it will with the next
generation and very soon it will work with all current panels instead of
just the Vista-128BPS and Vista-20PS

When DMP supports internet downloading on even the low end panels maybe I'll
take a second look
The Symphony is limited to where it's
mounted, and costly. I can do the same thing from any PC with a
browser(On-Site or Off), or a wireless PDA, and view video cameras from

I bring up 3 manufacturers you bring up 3 devices, as I said each brand has
its own strengths and weaknesses, you might be able to do more internet
programming with the DMP but I can do more of everything else. I felt the
same thing about the stock quotes and weather but as a bike rider I end up
turning to the Symphony for weather at work more than I do a PC on my desk,
don't know why. Might be the gee wiz factor. The end user may end up doing
the same and the keypad is more user friendly than any other keypad I've
ever seen including Ademco's other stuff

Might be why they are bringing out the 6270 monochrome version.
I have one customer who views it from any of his POS registers
throughout his facility. I've heard good things about Caddx, it's probably
the only control panel I have never installed...but it doesn't do access

Actually it does, the NX-8E

nor do they have a commercial fire package.

Actually it does, the NX-8CF

Not bad panels, lots of good and some not as good, for some reason people
get as rabid on Caddx as some do on DMP :)
What information are
you requiring about DMP? Maybe I can help...even if your just curious. There
are no secrets.

I know all I care for from DMP, fortunatly they haven't locked down the
installer manuals yet, besides it shouldn't be you telling me about DMP it
should be DMP themselves. You've had much the same conversation about
accessing the company from Mr Lalonde a few months ago and he had the same
gripes. I tried to get into on the internet hookup with no response at all
unless we became a dealer.


Hey I understand. I wasn't aware that Caddx has a Browser Interface for
their control panels. I don't, neither does a majority of DMP dealers,
compete with the low end Residential Market. The panels were put their to
fill the gap of those that do, as with Radionic's. For what I've found my
niche to be, no other panel fits the billet than DMP. I've based my
installation department, sales and engineering, and my Central Station
around the efficiencies brought to me by DMP. I've been using it know for 5
years. Prior to that I was a Radionic's dealer. So I'm used too, and believe
in a dealer structure as opposed to over the counter. 90% of what I do
transmits across the Internet and is verified with video. Mostly access
control, and large Fire systems. I would say the way I'm doing things is not
in it's infancy, but if you look at the industry in whole, the concepts are.
Dealers have allot to learn about how Internet Monitoring can control
infrastructure costs, and open a much wider array of opportunities.
