Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Ademco/Hayes 2400



Hello all,

I am having trouble connecting to an Ademco panel. After the modem dials
and the Auto Attendant answers the modem hangs up or disconnects and
software indicates a busy. I need to enter an extension and for some reason
I can't because of the disconnect. I tried another Hayes 2400 with the same
results. I was wondering if it may be due to something in the
initialization string that could be causing this strange behavior.

Can anyone supply me with the proper initialization strings for a Hayes 2400
modem and Ademco Compass Software or some insight into why this would

This is the first time I needed to pass thru an Auto Attendant so it is a
new road that I be traveling.

Thanks in advance for the assist.


Mark Leuck

Depends on the 2400 since they made about 6 or 7 different models, the
regular init strings have always worked fine for me


It works just fine for me as well when doing a answering machine bypass. Is
there something in Compass that will cause a disconnect if the line is
answered by an Auto Attendant???


The auto-attendant is perceived by the modem, not the software, as a busy
tone (or equivalent) and then generates a "BUSY" result to the software. The
software then sends the "ATH" command to the modem (to tell it to hang up)
and tells you that the modem reported "BUSY".

Depending on your modem, this can sometimes be disabled. You need the AT
command set for your particular modem. If it is truly a standard Hayes 2400,
you can send the "ATX2" command to it (or add "X2" to the init string) and
see if that works.

ATX2 was the command to "ignore" busy tones. ...on Hayes 2400 modems...

X1 was Ignore dialtone and busy tone
X2 was Ignore busy tone
X3 was Ignore dialtone
X4 was Ignore none


It is TRULY a standard Hayes Smartmodem 2400, truly. After trying the
string below every way from Sunday. I noticed that after Compass send the
initialization string to the modem and then just before the number to be
dialed it sends ATX4DT(####number) I can't seem to find where that
comes from. I am thinking that as you indicated X4 is Ignore none or ALL
should be enabled then this ATX4DT would be the problem.

It would seem to me that it may be built into Compass to send that command.

I tried to add X2 to the phone number but it will only take numbers not

I then tried to place ATX2 and just X2 in the Dial Out Prefix but that
either made it give a fast busy or dialed the 2 and the number and I went to
another planet some where.

This is all very odd.

Any other words of wisdom???


Well it must be encoded in the .exe since I did a text search of the Compass
folder and then the entire hard drive for the ATX4DT and it doesn't exist

It would seem that I am against the WALL. May have to call Tech Support(the
finest group of technicians in the industry) well, so they tell everybody
that calls.

Thanks for the help.



Well here is the officalness direct(almost) from Ademco Tech Support. "We
don't support that change. The software will only connect if the panel is
the first device on the line."

The customer does not have any hard dialtones on site. All communication is
on T1. Therefore the panel was set up on an extension port of it own off
the phone system. It can dial out without difficulty. However, since it is
an ADEMCO a dial in will not happen. The wave of the future. Don't ya love

I have another panel(Sentrol) on the same system and all works fine to
connect. Also tried a Caddx and had the same results as the Ademco until I
called Tech Support and was told to place a X0 at the end of the Init #2
string command. Tried a connect and.........................No
Problem............... Connected DL900 to a Vista 40. How cool is that.
Well I had to disconnect after a few seconds but I did get past the AA.

Well I hope that this info is helpful to others. Now I need to go to the
site to enter a passcode for the customer.




If I had a nickel everytime someone told me how awesome, up to speed,
state-of-the-Art, current on all the latest technology Ademco was, I'd have
to open a Swiss Bank account. When are you fellas going to learn? Catch up
for gods sake...


Mark Leuck

ABLE1 said:
Well here is the officalness direct(almost) from Ademco Tech Support. "We
don't support that change. The software will only connect if the panel is
the first device on the line."

The customer does not have any hard dialtones on site. All communication is
on T1. Therefore the panel was set up on an extension port of it own off
the phone system. It can dial out without difficulty. However, since it is
an ADEMCO a dial in will not happen. The wave of the future. Don't ya love

Had you mentioned this from the beginning I would have given a different
response before.

Mark Leuck

Jackcsg said:
If I had a nickel everytime someone told me how awesome, up to speed,
state-of-the-Art, current on all the latest technology Ademco was, I'd have
to open a Swiss Bank account. When are you fellas going to learn? Catch up
for gods sake...


Yes instead we should all dump Ademco and purchase a system such as DMP that
requires you to become a dealer before they will even look your way, uses
minimum purchase requirements, and a proprietary download modem. And did I
forget the proprietary DMP format which most receivers don't support?

Thanks but no thanks


ABLE1 said:
Well here is the officalness direct(almost) from Ademco Tech Support. "We
don't support that change. The software will only connect if the panel is
the first device on the line."

The customer does not have any hard dialtones on site. All communication is
on T1. Therefore the panel was set up on an extension port of it own off
the phone system. It can dial out without difficulty. However, since it is
an ADEMCO a dial in will not happen. The wave of the future. Don't ya love

Can their communications co./IT dept set it up to have an OUTSIDE extension
of its own? One that doesn't go through the cloud (auto-attendent)?

We don't allow the situation you just described. We won't install the alarm
unless a) they give us a "normal" phone line or b) we sell them an
internet-monitored panel.


I put my answers in parenthesis. I just love getting you all fired up Mark.
I don't think anyone should stop using'll screw up my


Mark Leuck said:
Yes instead we should all dump Ademco (Best thing I've heard yet out of
here) and purchase a system such as DMP (That's Made in the USA) that
requires you to become a (Qualified) dealer (which ensures you completly
understand and become certified on it's systems, not qualified by credit
card) before they will even look your way, uses
minimum purchase requirements( Yes Minimum 1K a month), and a proprietary
download modem (or connection via TCP/IP, standard 9600 baud modem, or
directly via RS-232 Cable). And did I
forget the proprietary DMP format which (is faster than CID, or any other
alarm transmission Protocol on the Market, and is more than 30 years old
(IBM SDLC)) most receivers don't support?(Sur-Gard, Osborne-Hoffman)
Thanks but no thanks
(Mark when you start doing 1K a month in might be worth looking

Mark Leuck

Actually you don't get me fired up at all, and if everyone dumped Ademco
they sure wouldn't move to a restrictive company like DMP


#1 the system has been installed for a number of years when it was hard
copper. The new set up just changed to T1 and I just became aware of the

The problem is solved by having a person on site hit code #1 at the keypad
and it will call my awaiting computer and connect. Bit of a pain but it

I guess I could have insisted that the customer accommodate me by having a
dedicated line installed so that I could dial in every 6 months to make a
code change but decided that it may be a bit cost prohibitive.

Jim Rojas

DMP panels are ok. I don't care for their software. It does need some

Jim Rojas


Such as? Their RemoteLink? There's been some growing pains, but overall I'm
happy with things where they are today. I'll admit different manufacturers
do things differently, and even change terminology around on a few things,
but like every thing, there's a learning curve. I don't work in the
Residential arena. I focus on Small to mid-size businesses as a one vendor
source. DMP is around 30% of my business, the rest is in network
infrastructure, communications, POS, control lighting, and IP integration. I
have been doing allot of HIPPA complacencies lately, and on the DMP side of
the efforts, the results between what my competition has to offer in this
area, are hands down in comparison. Small/medium businesses, I've found,
don't like to take on new burdens, such as administering an access control
system, so I can provide it completely included in my services. At any
instant, I can, add,delete,change users, unlock/lock doors remotely over
TCP/IP. Tie in a cost effective Network Camera and verify door activity.
Even send all activity, door access, door denies, etc. Live across the
Internet as they happen for logging this activity outside the panels logger.
No head end equipment at the customers site, saves them money, and allows me
to make more on the recurring. I average around $150.00 per month RMR.
Burden free for the user, false alarm free, and integrated for better value.
Right now there is no other cost effective Manufacturer in the market that
compares...period. The new XR-500 just took what it used to cost me with the
XR-200, and cut my costs in half. And it doesn't effect my inventory at all,
it's all compatible.


Mark Leuck

Jackcsg said:
Your right it is restricted to qualified professionals, where others are
restricted only by a credit card. I'm not sure what you mean by

I doubt DMP checks how well you install a system so in the end it is only by
credit card.
I am not restricted in any way. If anything I have twice as many options,
and for less money than any other equipment manufacturer. What are these
restrictions? I'd love to hear them.

So would I, I'd love to talk to them however since I am not a dealer they
won't talk to me. I'd call that restrictive.
All DMP Panels will communicate to any
receiver using CID,

Nope, a couple of the low end panels will only do DMP or 4/2, I believe the
XR-5 and 6, and anyone these days using 4/2 should be shot then killed

so there's no restrictions there. All modules and
keypads are compatible up and down the product line, so there's no
restriction there, and less to stock. It will communicate with other
manufacturers equipment devices like Ademco, ITI, Inovonics, Radionics, and
AMAG, so there's not many restrictions there. I can program and administer
panels remotely across the Internet at a click. Why can't you program an
Ademco panel that way?

Cool so I can program an XR-6 across the internet right? Hello?....Hello?
I call that restrictive. Where do you buy
discontinued products to support your older customers, when Ademco has never
made anything backwards or forward compatible?

Depends on how far back, even the new keypads work on panels made in the
late 80's, the keypads made during that time I wouldn't want on any new


restriction there, and less to stock. It will communicate with other
manufacturers equipment devices like Ademco, ITI, Inovonics, Radionics, and
AMAG, so there's not many restrictions there.

Got my attention. What AMAG equipment will it talk to?


I see...the bottom line is your cheap. Every single Panel DMP Makes can
communicate CID, so I don't know where you got your information. The XR-5,
6, Super6, 10, 20 and 40 can do 4-2. I agree that 4-2 is retarded, however,
it is the Majority of formats being used by digital communicators, and most
resi companies. The XR-6 cannot be programmed through the iCOMsl, it can
only transmit and detect Network Troubles. I haven't had an installation
small enough yet to justify installing one as of yet. I only do commercial
work. DMP will talk to anyone, provided you pick up the actual phone...they
don't have walkie talkie's. What panel of Ademco can I program across the
Internet? DMP has one that can't be, Ademco - ALL. Why? Because Ademco's
unit is a slave, which dealers (who actually run Central Stations) have to
pay $50.00 a month to have the information FORWARDED to them. Nice



Their software. It integrates with their software through a DMP receiver
(all three of them), as well as IP.
