Not the first time I've met this problem.
Say nominally about 0.05mm . With a micrometer, how much are you compressing
it? could easily be out by 20 percent out and squaring that if using weight
to length via density or resistance calculation via resistivity, is very
If access to a microgram resolution of weighing scales then a few metres of
the wire and density of copper and allowance for enamelling , but no highly
accurate weighing machine. Optically comparing under a microscope needs
known diameter standards.
How about a longish length , folded 6 times until 64 wires. Maybe
longer/more bulk. Hand twist together until it will not sensibly tighten any
more. Take average diameter, use packing factor allowance, and infer for 1
wire diameter, how better accuracy might that be.?
If I start from known good coil of say 46swg enamelled wire and do this 64
wire trick , to work backwards, how accurate/reliable would the manufacture
sizing be ?
Any other ideas?
Say nominally about 0.05mm . With a micrometer, how much are you compressing
it? could easily be out by 20 percent out and squaring that if using weight
to length via density or resistance calculation via resistivity, is very
If access to a microgram resolution of weighing scales then a few metres of
the wire and density of copper and allowance for enamelling , but no highly
accurate weighing machine. Optically comparing under a microscope needs
known diameter standards.
How about a longish length , folded 6 times until 64 wires. Maybe
longer/more bulk. Hand twist together until it will not sensibly tighten any
more. Take average diameter, use packing factor allowance, and infer for 1
wire diameter, how better accuracy might that be.?
If I start from known good coil of say 46swg enamelled wire and do this 64
wire trick , to work backwards, how accurate/reliable would the manufacture
sizing be ?
Any other ideas?