Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ABC TV logo changes


Ross Herbert

It seems that there must have been sufficient complaints (I did anyway) from the
public regarding the new ABC1 and ABC2 logo for them to make some changes.

The following text is the reply received from the ABC.

Thank you for your further email regarding the new watermarks which were
introduced on ABC1 and ABC2 on 8 February.

The ABC regrets that you do not like the new watermarks and find them
too intrusive. The ABC has received extensive feedback about the new
watermarks and has published a response to viewer correspondence here:

As the response explains, as a result of audience feedback, a number of
changes have been made to the watermarks since their introduction on 8
February. All parts of the watermarks have been made more transparent:
the opacity of the blue and yellow boxes has been lowered from 50% to
40%, and the opacity of the white graphics within these boxes ('ABC1',
'ABC2' and the Lissajous curve logo) has been lowered from 100% to 70%.
Additionally, the size of the watermarks has been reduced to make them
less prominent.

Please be assured, your comments have been noted and conveyed to ABC TV
management so that they are aware of your feedback. Thank you for taking
the time to write.

Yours sincerely

ABC Audience and Consumer Affairs


Please be assured, your comments have been noted and conveyed to ABC TV
management so that they are aware of your feedback. Thank you for taking
the time to write.

No they haven't, or they would remove them entirely!


Ross Herbert

::<snip trivial changes>
:> Please be assured, your comments have been noted and conveyed to ABC TV
:> management so that they are aware of your feedback. Thank you for taking
:> the time to write.
:No they haven't, or they would remove them entirely!

Now, who is being cynical :)

Somehow, I doubt they have even made the changes they say they have, because I
haven't noticed much of a change in the obtrusive nature of the new logos.

I can't see why they don't simply use the old watermark lissajous figure with a
1 or 2 after it as appropriate. After all, everyone recognises the lissajous
figure as meaning ABC. There is abolutely no need to put the text ABC1 in the
log at all. Does SBS have any text with their logo? No, because they know
everybody recognises it as meaning SBS.

I notice that Perth chan 2 news still uses the old watermark logo.


Ross said:
Now, who is being cynical :)

Somehow, I doubt they have even made the changes they say they have,
because I haven't noticed much of a change in the obtrusive nature of
the new logos.

I noticed last night that the logo was more transparent - particularly the
white parts which were previously opaque. Having a large, 2-colour, 2-part
watermark is still bloody annoying.

Bob Parker

I can't see why they don't simply use the old watermark lissajous figure with a
1 or 2 after it as appropriate. After all, everyone recognises the lissajous
figure as meaning ABC. There is abolutely no need to put the text ABC1 in the
logo at all. Does SBS have any text with their logo? No, because they know
everybody recognises it as meaning SBS.

I entirely agree. Now that it's been discussed here, I'm noticing
it more than I did before.


Phil Allison

I noticed last night that the logo was more transparent - particularly the
white parts which were previously opaque. Having a large, 2-colour, 2-part
watermark is still bloody annoying.

** It is particularly distracting when the ABC are showing one of their
"movie classics" in B&W - the patch of blue ( or orange on ABC 2) sticks
out like the proverbial dog's balls.

Also, sometimes the logo disappears off the edge when viewing in 4:3 - so
only annoys those with STBs.

It is also not seen for long periods on ABC2, during music videos etc.

What the HELL is the need to CONTINUOUSLY show the damn silly logo ????

....... Phil

Bob Parker

** It is particularly distracting when the ABC are showing one of their
"movie classics" in B&W - the patch of blue ( or orange on ABC 2) sticks
out like the proverbial dog's balls.

Also, sometimes the logo disappears off the edge when viewing in 4:3 - so
only annoys those with STBs.

It is also not seen for long periods on ABC2, during music videos etc.

What the HELL is the need to CONTINUOUSLY show the damn silly logo ????

...... Phil

We all managed to work out which channel we were watching from 1956
until now and I've never had someone come up to me in a pub and say,
"Wanna buy a hot DVD of Enough Rope?", so I can't see any need for the
stupid thing at all.

Probably the ABC's MD saw the small logos on Seven etc and thought
"Gee, we've gotta have one of those - but bigger and more obtrusive so
people really take notice!".

The URL to send your objections is:


Ross Herbert

:On 17/02/2008 13:43 Phil Allison wrote:
:> ** It is particularly distracting when the ABC are showing one of their
:> "movie classics" in B&W - the patch of blue ( or orange on ABC 2) sticks
:> out like the proverbial dog's balls.
:> Also, sometimes the logo disappears off the edge when viewing in 4:3 - so
:> only annoys those with STBs.
:> It is also not seen for long periods on ABC2, during music videos etc.
:> What the HELL is the need to CONTINUOUSLY show the damn silly logo ????
:> ...... Phil
: We all managed to work out which channel we were watching from 1956
:until now and I've never had someone come up to me in a pub and say,
:"Wanna buy a hot DVD of Enough Rope?", so I can't see any need for the
:stupid thing at all.
: Probably the ABC's MD saw the small logos on Seven etc and thought
:"Gee, we've gotta have one of those - but bigger and more obtrusive so
:people really take notice!".
: The URL to send your objections is:

In my complaint to the ABC I said almost those exact same words but added that
it appeared to be an attempt by one (it might have taken a whole team) of their
graphics design artist trying to show off his/her newly acquired skills to the
whole world. , "Hey. look at what I can do. Aren't I clever."

Bob Parker

In my complaint to the ABC I said almost those exact same words but added that
it appeared to be an attempt by one (it might have taken a whole team) of their
graphics design artist trying to show off his/her newly acquired skills to the
whole world. , "Hey. look at what I can do. Aren't I clever."

Me and others have sometimes wondered if that was the motivation for
the childish cartoons on the front of some SC projects ...


TT said:
: What the HELL is the need to CONTINUOUSLY show the damn
silly logo ????
: ...... Phil
It's to denote copyright material and stop people unlawfully
using it!

And you recon you're the legal eagle!?

How well do you think it works ?

Ross Herbert

:On 18/02/2008 12:03 Ross Herbert wrote:
:> In my complaint to the ABC I said almost those exact same words but added
:> it appeared to be an attempt by one (it might have taken a whole team) of
:> graphics design artist trying to show off his/her newly acquired skills to
:> whole world. , "Hey. look at what I can do. Aren't I clever."
: Me and others have sometimes wondered if that was the motivation for
:the childish cartoons on the front of some SC projects ...

A stupid, silly idea which trivialised the serious and practical nature of a
once good magazine. I think that it was just SC making the cartoonist for The
Serviceman pages do more work and fill up more space - for the same pay, of

I have ceased buying SC on a regular basis now.

Bob Parker

Ross said:
: Me and others have sometimes wondered if that was the motivation for
:the childish cartoons on the front of some SC projects ...

A stupid, silly idea which trivialised the serious and practical nature of a
once good magazine. I think that it was just SC making the cartoonist for The
Serviceman pages do more work and fill up more space - for the same pay, of

I have ceased buying SC on a regular basis now.

I wonder if Tektronix and Fluke would sell more high-end instruments
if they put cartoons on the front of them? :-\

I've still got a subscription to SC but I'm wondering if there's
much point in renewing it. Nothing in it interests me any more, though
Jim Rowe still does some serious projects.


Ross Herbert said:
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 13:04:45 +1100, Bob Parker
<[email protected]>

:On 18/02/2008 12:03 Ross Herbert wrote:
:> In my complaint to the ABC I said almost those exact same words but
:> it appeared to be an attempt by one (it might have taken a whole team)
:> graphics design artist trying to show off his/her newly acquired skills
:> whole world. , "Hey. look at what I can do. Aren't I clever."
: Me and others have sometimes wondered if that was the motivation for
:the childish cartoons on the front of some SC projects ...

A stupid, silly idea which trivialised the serious and practical nature of
once good magazine. I think that it was just SC making the cartoonist for
Serviceman pages do more work and fill up more space - for the same pay,

I have ceased buying SC on a regular basis now.

I think it's a potentially a good mag, but opening the inside cover
invariably reveals a Jaycar advert for trivial junk (like they were selling
at Wyong) and detracts from their original position and SC's position as
serious electronics mag.

David L. Jones

I wonder if Tektronix and Fluke would sell more high-end instruments
if they put cartoons on the front of them? :-\

I've still got a subscription to SC but I'm wondering if there's
much point in renewing it. Nothing in it interests me any more, though
Jim Rowe still does some serious projects.

Actually I've found myself in a rather interesting position. I've got
a cool new project I'm looking at getting published, and normally it's
no-brainer, I'd just go to SC. But this time I've also thought about
going to another mag like Elector in order to potentially reach a
bigger audience.
Hmm, what to do...


Phil Allison

"David L. Jerkoff "
Actually I've found myself in a rather interesting position. I've got
a cool new project I'm looking at getting published, and normally it's
no-brainer .....

** Well, ain't that the truth.

........ Phil

David L. Jones

"David L. Jones "

** Well, ain't that the truth.

....... Phil

That's almost funny, Phil.
Points were deducted for having to snip though.
And of course you always loose a point for the silly quoted name



TT said:
: What the HELL is the need to CONTINUOUSLY show the damn
silly logo ????
It's to denote copyright material and stop people unlawfully
using it!

And yet the commercial channels just put their logo over the top when they
use any other channels materials without permission. You often see the old
logo remains still showing.
So if it doesn't stop the commercial channels, what use is it ???????????


David L. Jones

I went to five newsagents this week and I can't find Silicon Chip
in any of them, it seems there's not enough sales, at least that's what
the last Newsagent said when I asked him specifically for it.

Surprisingly my local newsagent had SC, Circuit Cellar, Elektor, and
Everyday Practical Electronics when I looked the other day. Buried in
among all the Hi-Fi and gadget mags of course.



Bob said:
Me and others have sometimes wondered if that was the motivation
for the childish cartoons on the front of some SC projects ...

For me the pivotal moment was when they published their new amp design
mounted in a particularly cheap & shitty beige mini-tower computer case,
complete with big knobs to make it look supremely naff.

Bob Parker

Did you ever see the Tektronix CRO manual (can't remember the model)
where the horizontal output stage had a little racing car drawn on the
output connection?

Bob Parker wrote:

I didn't see that one, but I'll never forget the 655 TV monitor
manual with the Back Porch Generator cartoon (petrol generator on the
back porch of a hillbilly shack), and the Phase Lock circuit (phi(?)
symbol in a small jail cell) and another one or more I can't quite remember.

I thought they were hilarious and they put me in a better mood for
repairing them.

There's a very small collection of Tektronix manual cartoons at
