Maker Pro
Maker Pro

9014 Direct Replacement???

What a great article. I will have an in depth read later. Thank you.

I hope you are downloading and/or screen cap these links you keep supplying. Your bookmark list must be enormous. Hope you have backups!.
Some of the resourse links have gone now. Shame as I didn’t download or copy them.

So can I use a Power Transistor at the 9V on this circuit, and if so, can you suggest one. Thanks Audio Guru, as usual, you are the master of all
The part number of the transistor depends on the amount of voltage and current the LEDs use.
The voltage and current for the LEDs depends on their color and part number, how bright you want them and how many you will have.
As a follower, the Sziklai pair has half the voltage loss of a darlington but it has the same current gain.

I attempted using a MOSFET (5305) which didnt work. I can only guess that the modulation effect cannt drive it properly.Is the drive transistor that you have supplied in your schematic a Power Transistor? Which would you suggest?
Thank you fellow Canadian
The datasheet of an IRF5305 Mosfet and most other Mosfets shows that its gate must be at least 10V higher than its source for it to fully turn on. An ordinary power transistor base must be only about 1V higher.

You have not said the amount of maximum current the transistors drive into how many LEDs.