Maker Pro
Maker Pro

5 ft. long drill bits at Home Depot!



and you are a professional alarm business man..

Robert L Bass said:
Sure. And Nixon was not a crook.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
941-925-9747 Sales & Tech Support

Robert L Bass

and you are a professional alarm business man..

One of us has to do it.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
2291 Pine View Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34231
941-925-9747 Sales & Tech Support


Robert said:
One of us has to do it.

Well if you think ..... well, no, I guess since that
isn't true, there's no use in continuing with this post.

Just keep thinking these words:

I, Fat Ass Bass, am NOT a fat pig.
I, Fat Ass Bass, am NOT a fat pig.

I was going to suggest that you say:

I, Fat Ass Bass, am NOT a crook.

but, it doesn't make any difference.
Neither one is true.


Robert L Bass said:
If you know much about alarms it is clear he hasn't a clue. It's also
clear he's much more interested in attacking yours truly

ever heard the old story about reaping what you sow? I think it applies

than in learning or sharing knowledge. That, IMO, makes him a jackass.
Feel free to disagree.

As I have never been incarcerated, I always feel free.

Robert L Bass

ever heard the old story about reaping what
you sow? I think it applies here.

You may like to think so but it's untrue. I never said one rude word about
the gentleman until he started attacking me.


Crash Gordon said:
ah'd dint have actually prove it to me didja?
Sorry, I shoulda read through the whole thread I guess. Been out of town all


Robert L Bass said:
You may like to think so but it's untrue. I never said one rude word
about the gentleman until he started attacking me.


Frank Olson

Robert L Bass said:
Naah. I'm actually a very nice guy.


The amazing thing about you is that when someone does a Google search on
your history in this Group you don't have to change much in the original
post to make it relevant to the present.


Let's look at your "record" in this group (I won't mention all the others in
which you've demonstrated your baser character and nature).

You lied when you said I offered to "donate" money or a system to a museum
in the US and then had the temerity to accuse me of reneging on it.

You lied when you accused Graham of using his company's resources to do a
credit check on you. The company Graham works for doesn't have an account
with a credit reporting agency and doesn't do credit checks on their
customers. You compounded the lie by filing a false complaint against
Graham with his employer. You know damn well that Graham got your SIN
number which was posted as 6009.200135 in "Google" (once you "do the math")
from an open internet database of convicted felons.

You lie repeatedly whenever you state you're "in the trade", or "still in
the trade", or make any reference to the fact that you're "still installing"
security systems professionally.

You lie every time you dance around the issue of being "bonded and
insured"... You aren't, admit it... You lie when you've repeatedly said
that I've asked you to publish your policy numbers and Insurer's
information... I *never* have.

You lie whenever you say you're a "student pilot"... or when you state you
have even a slight knowledge of aviation (or aerodynamics). Cessna *still*
doesn't make a 152 taildragger, Robert. The 152 is not "precursor" to the
182 (if you must know, the 180 is), only the 182RG has retractable
undercarriage so when you mention "182", *real* pilots think "fixed gear".
There's no such thing as "negative" lift, and the expression "angle of
attack of the wind" is just not something you hear *any* student pilot (or
even a novice one) use... I doubt very much you've ever "soloed". Someone
with your complete lack of knowledge of emergency procedures (even in the
presence of a so called "CFI") shouldn't be allowed within an airport
perimeter let alone near an actual aircraft. Your recent response comparing
"Convair" to "Avro" was not only ludicrous, it clearly demonstrated that you
have *NO CLUE* about anything at all aviation related.

You lie whenever you say that you've run a central station alarm company for
20, 25, or 27 years (or what-ever-the-hell the latest figure is)... You
incorporated a company in 1979... You were also convicted of assault with a
gun the same year *in Florida*. You've stated that you got your start "in
the trade" sooner than that, but have never mentioned it before I asked you
to clarify. You've also stated that you were servicing alarm panels without
a license for nine years in CT, opened your online store in 1997 and moved
to Florida in 1999. I figure the *total* length of time "in the trade" you
can claim is *maybe* nine years (ten tops)... The rest of the time you've
been sitting on your fat can reading manuals and stealing people's ideas...

You lied when you posted a false customer comment on a competitor's web
site, and then had the temerity to at first deny you did it. Your "apology"
was about as genuine as a nine dollar bill...

You lie when you say you don't use sock puppets or post under false names...
Your IP was identified as having logged into the AlarmsBC website. You
posted a question about me posing as "Jake" and submitted someone else's
email address (an innocent Grade Four student's). You've also posted
messages here using other people's "munged" names and email addresses.

You lie whenever you say I've tried to "interfere" with your relationship
with your suppliers. The *only* time I've *ever* mentioned your name was
when I called DSC to advise them that you had their software available for
free *download* on *your* website (this violates the software's EULA). You
lie every time you twist this around to say you I accused you of selling
their CD "illegally".

You lie every time you state that you "believe" in the group's FAQ. You had
at one time compounded this by not only posting it as a link on your
website, but also posting it here on a "weekly" basis. You couldn't follow
the FAQ if you tried. This latest attack on Pete proves it beyond a shadow
of a doubt.

You stole Gene Witt's work and tried to republish it as your own (a fact
that's both well known and provable via Google). You haven't stopped there
though... You've also "incorporated" the work and suggestions of several
others in your own FAQ without the proper credit.

You lied when you accused me of "suggesting" that you would cheat on your
income tax. It wasn't a "suggestion"... You requested a receipt for
$150.00 on "museum stationary" for "tax purposes" for an item that normally
sells for much less. The "inference" is not only clear, I'll come right out
and say it. If you intend to "donate" an item and the amount of that
donation is based on *your* inflated price (as you've requested a receipt in
that amount), then that's *fraud*, buddy... plain and simple. The item
in question was probably given to you as a "demo" as well, which makes the
whole thing even more disgusting.

You lied when you stated that the downloading software and help program your
"company" worked on was "UL Listed on the first try". Neither the
Fireshield program or it's help system (replete with your rather childish
commentary) is UL Listed.

You don't hesitate to include participants in this group (that don't happen
to "cow-tow" to your self-proclaimed "magnificence") in sick and twisted
"examples" of prurient sexual practices. It's disgusting coming from anyone
let alone a former supposed "lay minister".

Care to continue??


When you tried to pawn off an application from a well known alarm installer
resource book (The Sentrol Application Handbook) as your own, I thought (as
did a number of others here) that it was the dumbest thing I've ever seen
anyone (let alone you) do. Only a total idiot (or someone really stupid)
would try to pull a stunt like that in a forum of professional installers.