Hello, I'm doing A-Level Electronics at the Maelor School in Penley. For Module 6 we must design a "Simple Game". I have chosen "Simon" as its a fairly easy concept to grasp. I can happily program the PIC chip but doing a scoring system has been rather difficult.
I have found a 4017 timer which is a counter that accepts clock pulses to do a sequence using its 10 outputs. e.g.
Clock Pulse 1: Output 0 is High
Clock Pulse 2: Output 1 & 0 is High
Clock Pulse 3: Output 2,1 & 0 is High
etc etc
I want to make it so that 1 clock pulse only happens every 5 clock pulses from my 16F84
So my 16F84 chip will give have to give 5 clock pulses before 1 clock pulse goes through on the 4017.
I'm making the Simon Says game as Basic as I can. I've got the 4Pins on PORTB (8bits) (RA0-RA3) connected to the LED's and then (RA4-RA7) on PORTB connected to 'Push To Make' buttons. PORTA (5bits) I was planning on using to count the current score. I'm using a Bargraph Display to show the score, where each light equates to a score of '5'.
The 4017 would count the 10 LED's (Max score 50, I can't get that far on Simon so it should be high enough) BUT I need a separate counter to count 5 pulses from the PIC chip and then send 1 clock pulse to the 4017 counter.
Can I program the PIC chip to only send 1 clock pulse every 5 correct guesses in the programs sequence?
Is there a component that can do this?
I will program the PIC chip to delay resetting the 4017 for up to 30seconds after gameplay has finished (the player has got the pattern incorrect) as I don't plan on having the PIC remember the high score. The user can just turn it off and on again to reset.
I have found a 4017 timer which is a counter that accepts clock pulses to do a sequence using its 10 outputs. e.g.
Clock Pulse 1: Output 0 is High
Clock Pulse 2: Output 1 & 0 is High
Clock Pulse 3: Output 2,1 & 0 is High
etc etc
I want to make it so that 1 clock pulse only happens every 5 clock pulses from my 16F84
So my 16F84 chip will give have to give 5 clock pulses before 1 clock pulse goes through on the 4017.
I'm making the Simon Says game as Basic as I can. I've got the 4Pins on PORTB (8bits) (RA0-RA3) connected to the LED's and then (RA4-RA7) on PORTB connected to 'Push To Make' buttons. PORTA (5bits) I was planning on using to count the current score. I'm using a Bargraph Display to show the score, where each light equates to a score of '5'.
The 4017 would count the 10 LED's (Max score 50, I can't get that far on Simon so it should be high enough) BUT I need a separate counter to count 5 pulses from the PIC chip and then send 1 clock pulse to the 4017 counter.
Can I program the PIC chip to only send 1 clock pulse every 5 correct guesses in the programs sequence?
Is there a component that can do this?
I will program the PIC chip to delay resetting the 4017 for up to 30seconds after gameplay has finished (the player has got the pattern incorrect) as I don't plan on having the PIC remember the high score. The user can just turn it off and on again to reset.