Maker Pro
Maker Pro

12v lithium-ion battery pack circuit board problem

Hi. I'm new to this forum and am posting here to hopefully get some help with this frusterating problem,unfortunately i'm not well versed in electronics but i'm not stupid and can follow technical intructions to a limited degree.

For around 1 year i have been using a 9/12V lithium-ion battery pack to power guitar effect pedals and a small amplifier, recently the wire connecting the plug came off and when i tried to solder it back on i may have shorted something on the circuit board :eek:(see PCB2.jpg). The battery cells are still good but i can't charge them anymore, when i plug in the charger (charger.jpg) the green light on the charger (which normaly changed from green to red then to green once it's charged) goes off. I disconnected the 9/12V switch (switch.jpg) but not sure if that matters.

Any advice on how to fix this or where to buy a new circuit board would be greatly appreciated thanks :)


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i may have shorted something on the circuit

I am gonna agree with you, that bare copper wire laying across all those metal spots on the circuit board certainly isn't helping you any. Did you use flux when you re-soldered the wire? Looks like you got it quite hot as well.
No i didn't use flux but did use a big and awkward soldering gun ! (now that i think about it, i take back what i said in the first post about not being stupid) i guess i fried the CB, shame because the battery pack was expensive and the battery cells are still good. Charging Li-ion batteries is dangerous because they can violently burst into flames if overcharged or shorted, the CB protects from overcharging and also has some kind of balancer that charges the cells equally but do you think i could bypass the CB and try to charge the cells by connecting the leads from the charger directly to the terminals of the batery cells ?



but do you think i could bypass the CB and try to charge the cells by connecting the leads from the charger directly to the terminals of the batery cells ?

NOT a good idea, LiPo batteries are very fussy about the way they are charged.
do it incorrectly and you could end up with a fire or explosion

Thanks for the sound advice, i need it because my instinct is to blow stuff up :eek:

I've been searching online but haven't found a PCB for this battery pack, does anyone reading this know a good source (preferably in Europe) ?

Does the circuit board come out of the case? You might be able to find someone in your community with electronics experience (hint: find a ham radio operator). Maybe you could ask them to try and re-solder the connections. I would say more often than not, those circuits are protected from shorts and reverse polarity on the incoming line (of course, that depends on how well the circuit was originally designed). It might be worth a shot.

Good luck.