Maker Pro
Maker Pro

12V 50mA to 100mA trigger pulse reinforcement - HELP

I was hoping someone might be able to help me figure out an issue I'm having with a 12v trigger. I have a NuVo Grand Concerto system and an older amp, without any 12v trigger, powering one of the zones. Thus I tried to add a Russound ACT-1 (voltage triggered AC outlet) to power on/off the amp with the 12v zone trigger from the NuVo. Problem is the NuVo outputs 12v@50ma and the Russound requires 12v@100ma to trigger. Thus it is not triggering the ACT-1. Taking a 12v 250ma power supply to the Russound triggers it fine and the 12v output of the NuVo triggers a new amp, with a 12v trigger, fine. I added a relay, IDEC RH1B-U DC12V, and you could see the coil trying to flip but the NuVo's 50ma was not enough to trip the relay. I saw some internet posts about using a transistor, diode, and resistor with the relay and power supply but I'm no electrical engineer to figure it out. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help.
I've never seen such systems before, but it seems to me the only thing you need is a transistor and a 15V (100mA) power supply to reinforce the trigger pulse.
Get a 2N2222, or just about any NPN transistor, connect its base to the NuVo output, the emitter to whatever you want to control, and the collector to +15V. The negative of the supply connects to negative or ground of the pulse wiring.
I don't see any need for a resistor or a diode here. Even if one often uses a diode across relay coils to protect the driver transistor, this one is configured as an emitter-follower and should protect itself.