Rod Speed
Essentially because there are very few human systems that
have ever been organised to keep doing the same thing like
that for 1000 years when doing that requires quite a bit of
human effort to do.
Even the world's great religions can't be relied on to
keep going, a hell of a lot of them have in fact imploded
over time. Some in a lot less time than 1000 years.
Its just the nature of human activity.
I'm constantly replacing dried out electrolytic caps from antique radios.
Sure, but we have seen some other approaches to
preservation last fine for much longer than 1000 years.
Anything that moves (pots, controls, rheostats, variable
caps, speaker cones, dial cord, etc) are constant sources
of maintenance problems. Any switch or relay without
hermetically sealed contacts eventually oxidizes, pits,
arcs, or melts.
Sure, but we have seen some other approaches to
preservation last fine for much longer than 1000 years.
My maintenance free battery is really a throw away battery.
I've had some experience working on process controllers for
the food canning business. It's amazing how much rotting
muck can find it's way into sealed NEMA enclosures.
Sure, but we have seen some other approaches
to sealing things do fine for well over 1000 years,
most obviously stuff sealed in glass.
I don't think it's possible to make an autonomous
anything that will work even 50 years,
There are plenty of examples of stuff that has done that.
much less 1000.
There are examples of stuff that has done
that for much longer than that too, most
obviously with the pyramids.
Actually, the biggest problem are the human operators.
Which is why its better to do without those if that's feasible.
The Three Mile Island and Chernobyl reactor meltdowns comes to mind,
where the humans involved made things worse by their attempts to fix
But there are plenty more examples where attempting
to fix things worked fine. You don't have to have such an
unstable system where fucking things up results in disaster.
Plenty of ancient churches and mosques etc have lasted
much longer than 1000 years with humans fixing things
that go wrong. The main problem is setting up a system
where the humans want to bother for more than 1000 years.
Yeah, maybe autonomous would better than human maintained.
No maybe about it if its feasible.
I once worked on a cost plus project, which
is essentially an unlimited cost system.
Nothing is ever an unlimited cost system.
They pulled the plug before we even got started
because we had exceeded some unstated limit.
So it wasn't in fact an unlimited cost system at all.
There's no such thing as "cost is no object".
That's clearly true of the world's great religions.
Repair how and using what materials?
The same materials that were used to make it in the first place.
ALL you need is a situation where those are everywhere.
Like I said before, do you have a CK722 transistor handy
to fix my ancient 6 transistor AM portable antique radio?
Its obviously possible to make more the
same way that the one that failed was made.
I was lucky and found one that was made in the early 1960's.
Ok, that's about 50 years. In another 50 years, such replacement
devices will only be found in museums and landfills.
But we can still make more the same way the original was made
if we have enough of a clue to document how it was made.
That is in fact done with plenty of medieval stuff, even
when it was not documented how it was made then.
You could make a plug-in work-alike replacement using Si-Ge technology.
And that's all you need when you want to keep it going for 1000 years.
However, that would require that you upgrade (evolve) your
spare semiconductor fab production line to switch from your
original technology, to the latest technology, which didn't exist
when the original was made. Or, you could keep cranking out
Ge replacement parts, until your supply of Ge runs out.
Or you can just work out what the failure rate is likely
to be, multiply that by 10, make that many and just
keep using the replacements from stock as they fail.
You gave the example of the termite and the alligator.
I provided> links which demonstrate that both have
evolved and changed over the millennium, not 1000 year.
But you did not show that what evolution had happened over
that time was NECESSARY for the survival of that species.
Many species, including man, have not evolved much in 1000 years.
So your claim that the system being discussed would have
to evolve to survive for 1000 years has blown up in your face
and covered you with black stuff very spectacularly indeed.
However, for every one that hasn't evolved,
there are literally thousands of insects, bacteria,
fish, birds, and other species that have changed.
ALL we need is examples of species that have survived
fine for 1000 years without any evolution that had
anything to do with its survival to prove that your claim
that evolution is crucial to its survival is just plain wrong.
The list of extinct and endangered species
should offer a clue as to how it works.
All that shows is that a lot of evolution happens.
NOT that its essential for survival over 1000 years.
It would be a hell of a lot more surprising if we had
not seen a massive amount of evolution given that
we ended up with something as sophisticated as
humans from what was once just pond slime.
If it were that reliable, we wouldn't need ECC (error correcting) memory.
We don't with data engraved on nickel plates.
Dynamic RAM and hard disk drive densities are down
to the point where the electronics has to literally make
a guess as to whether it's reading a zero or a one.
That utterly mangles the real story.
And there is no reason why you have to push the envelope that
hard with something you want to last for 1000 years anyway.
ECC is a big help, but all too often, the device guesses wrong.
Even cosmic rays and local radioactive sources can cause soft errors.
Yes, but soft errors are easily avoided.
And just arent a problem with data engraved on nickel plates etc.
I see these all too often in a rather weird way. When one of my
servers experiences an AC power line glitch, it often flips a bit.
Just a lousy design. Doesn't happen with mine.
And again, doesn't happen with data engraved on nickel plates.
The bit is usually not being used by the OS or by an application.
Several days later, the machine crashes, without any warning or
apparent cause, when it needs to read this bit, and finds it in an
unexpected state. I've also run memory error tests continuously
for several days on various machines (using MemTest86 and
MemTest86+) and found random errors ever few days.
Again, just a system with a fault.
You can probably build something that is reliable and stable,
We know you can because even the egyptians did that.
but it will involve low density, considerable redundancy,
and plenty of error checking and error correction.
Not if you store the data by engraving it on nickel plates.
Example please?
The data the egyptians left behind.
1000 years ago, we were in the tail end of the dark ages.
And the data the egyptians left behind was around MUCH earlier than that.
If the satellite business had a good financial reason for the birds to
last longer,
There isn't, because technology improves
so dramatically in even just 100 years.
I'm sure they would have done it.
Yes, they egyptians clearly decided that they needed
that for various reasons and achieved that.
Right now, the lifetime of LEO and MEO birds
are fairly well matched to their orbital decay life.
Because that approach makes sense.
A 1000 year lifetime on the electronics, won't make much
sense if the bird falls out of the sky at 20-30 years. There
are numerous orbital decay calculators online.
Name another approach that isn't a circular
definition, such as "making it more reliable".
Just use an approach known to last much longer
than that like storing the data by engraving it on
nickel plates that need no maintenance at all.
What design philosophy should be followed
in order to produce a 1000 year design that
does NOT evolve in some way?
See above.
Ok, lets see if that works.
Corse it works. That's how plant and animal species
survive for MUCH longer times than 1000 years.
There are plenty of trees that last for more than 1000 years.
The typical small signal transistor has an MTBF
of 300,000 to 600,000 hrs or 34 to 72 years.
Typical is irrelevant. You'd obviously use very long
lived technology if you want it to survive 1000 years.
I'll call it 50 year so I can do the math without finding my calculator.
I'll go for engraved nickel plates so I don't even need to calculate
MTBF (mean time between failures) does not predict the life of
the device, but merely predicts the interval at which failures might
be expected. So, for the 1000 year life of this device, a single
common signal transistor would be expected to blow up 200 times.
So all you need is say 2K spares.
Assuming the robot has about 1000 such transistors,
you would need 200,000 spares to make this work.
So you have 2M and survive 1000 years fine.
You can increase the MTBF using design methods
common in satellite work, but at best, you might
be able to increase it to a few million hours.
So there is no problem.
Great. You're going to seal an engineer inside the machine?
No, you use more than one to design the system in the first place.
You mean like the cloud storage servers that are erratically having
No, like the way the egyptians chose to store what data they
wanted to store, which lasted much longer than 1000 years fine.
Please provide a single server farm or data dumpster
that operated on a sealed building basis.
Look at how the egyptians did theirs.
The larger systems take storage reliability quite seriously.
For example, Google's disk drive failure analysis:
Irrelevant to how the egyptians did theirs.
Geosynchronous satellites are unlikely to suffer from serious orbital
decay. However, they have been known to drift out of their assigned
orbital slot due to various failures. Unlike LEO and MEO, their
useful life is not dictated by orbital decay. So, why are they not
designed to last more than about 30 years?
Because the technology evolves so much over that time
that you don't care if they last longer than that, they are so
hopelessly obsolete that they are replaced for that reason.
We don't do it like that with stuff as
basic as books that we want to keep.
Please provide a few examples of devices that were
INTENTIONALLY designed to last more than 1000 years.
The stuff kept in egyptian pyramids.
The 10,000 year clock is a good example. Got any more?
The stuff kept in egyptian pyramids.
The methods that are used for satellite life extension
(reloadable firmware) are directly relevant to doing
the same on the ground in a sealed environment.
At the risk of being repetitive, the reason that one needs
to improve firmware over a 1000 year time span is to allow
it to adapt to unpredictable and changing conditions.
The egyptians didn't bother and theirs
survived for much longer than that.
True. However, not providing a means of improving or
adapting the system to changing conditions will relegate
this machine to the junk yard in a fairly short time.
It didn't with the machine the egyptians made, the pyramids.
All it takes is one hiccup or environmental "leak", that
wasn't considered by the designers, and it's dead.
It wasn't with the machine the egyptians made, the pyramids.
Stupid machines don't last and brute force is not
a long term survival trait. Ask the dinosaurs.
I'll look at the pyramids instead.
Various countries are doing a great job of making rare minerals both
difficult to obtain and expensive for political and financial reasons.
A commodity doesn't need to be scarce in order to be difficult to obtain.
They aren't in fact at all difficult to obtain except with
a tiny subset that are potentially dangerous like uranium.
Example please.
The egyptian pyramids.