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Maker Pro

1000 watt zvs induction coil drawing too much when I put a crucible in it.

I bought 1000 watt induction heater off Amazon, used 1/4" copper tubing for coil. Started with 5 turns. Works great for everything I put in it, except a crucible, which is what I purchased it use! I'm wondering if I need to adjust my coil or if this product is just not enough to heat a crucible. My DC power supply goes up to 7amps and shorts out. Nothings burning, I have coil water cooled and fan blowing on heatsinks. Temp doesnt exceed 125° F. So question is... Is it my power supply, inductance of my coil, or zvs is not powerful enough? Thank you cant wait to hear back, been beating my head over this!
You did not give the required temperature need + The crucible needs to be ceramic or like, hi temp family . . . . . or expect . . . . . a MEGA jump in required system power . . . . if. the present circuitry design is even being capable of it.
Sorry it's the banggood 1000w zvs induction coil sold on Amazon. Not altered except coil is 1/4" copper tube. Started with 5 turns, down to 3 and I can almost stick the GRAPHITE, btw, crucible in without a short. And ya I cant just click power on I have to turn on vcc then connect lead. Maybe I'll have to use ceramic crucible but I'm watching all these YouTube videos with people using same crucible. I just got my irfp260s in the mail today, I'm a build my own, and see what happens. I'm not sure if I'm giving yall enough info, but do I wanna increase capacitance? And if so, will that affect chokes? It's not like a tank circuit is it?
And as far as temp needed, right now I'm just messing around getting acquainted with the circuitry and behavior, I'm self taught, so not the greatest EE but a lot of it seems to be intuitive to me, I understand the workings but not quite sure which direction certain changes affect the circuit(proportionately, inverse, exponential linear etc) so tinkering with them sometimes makes my brain hurt lol...
I do not understand why a graphite crucible needs more power than a ceramic one although it may demand it. The basic difference is that the graphite is conductive and so will couple much better to the coil and stop the oscillation if it is a self oscillating circuit.
The coupling can be reduced by not having the crucible fully in the coil or having a larger coil.
The optimum inductance should be in the generator instructions.
You could try 2 turns of double the diameter.
I do not understand why a graphite crucible needs more power than a ceramic one although it may demand it. The basic difference is that the graphite is conductive and so will couple much better to the coil and stop the oscillation if it is a self oscillating circuit.
The coupling can be reduced by not having the crucible fully in the coil or having a larger coil.
The optimum inductance should be in the generator instructions.
You could try 2 turns of double the diameter.
Just what I hoped to hear. Ya that's why I said maybe ceramic. But then if I'm melting something that's non ferris I need the graphite. I guess what I need to know is how to make it powerful enough to handle the graphite. I'll try 2 turns but how bout instead of twice the diameter, just a little bigger and spread the coils away from each other height wise
1kW at what voltage ? P = V x I. 7 amps to short circuit ? If it is 24V, then at full power it will draw 40A, probably more (Chinesium almost always performs well below stated efficiency). Is your power supply up to that ?