IDEALLY... What i need is a way to individually control multiple battery powered motors lets say >10 for this example controlled from a range of >30m wirelessly.
The control only has to run the motor on for a short period <1 second and then automatically shut back off again and await further control.
At the very minimum I need a possible solution to control 1 motor from a distance of <5m range.
I have posted about this project before but aimed for it to be controlled via bluetooth however this now seems infeasible and I am open to suggestions.
I know this may seem simple to some of you guys who have experience with electronic circuits but for a layman like me it is difficult to get my head around.
If you do have a soloution to either the ideal or minimum could you please outlines the steps you would take to create this project from scratch possibly numbered as to make the re-creation of the solution more simple for me.
Before I am asked about my knowledge of electronics I have little to non.
The control only has to run the motor on for a short period <1 second and then automatically shut back off again and await further control.
At the very minimum I need a possible solution to control 1 motor from a distance of <5m range.
I have posted about this project before but aimed for it to be controlled via bluetooth however this now seems infeasible and I am open to suggestions.
I know this may seem simple to some of you guys who have experience with electronic circuits but for a layman like me it is difficult to get my head around.
If you do have a soloution to either the ideal or minimum could you please outlines the steps you would take to create this project from scratch possibly numbered as to make the re-creation of the solution more simple for me.
Before I am asked about my knowledge of electronics I have little to non.