Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Yes another NEWBIE question!

IDEALLY... What i need is a way to individually control multiple battery powered motors lets say >10 for this example controlled from a range of >30m wirelessly.

The control only has to run the motor on for a short period <1 second and then automatically shut back off again and await further control.

At the very minimum I need a possible solution to control 1 motor from a distance of <5m range.

I have posted about this project before but aimed for it to be controlled via bluetooth however this now seems infeasible and I am open to suggestions.

I know this may seem simple to some of you guys who have experience with electronic circuits but for a layman like me it is difficult to get my head around.

If you do have a soloution to either the ideal or minimum could you please outlines the steps you would take to create this project from scratch possibly numbered as to make the re-creation of the solution more simple for me.

Before I am asked about my knowledge of electronics I have little to non.
Hi. If you need low distance,as you mentioned 5m, you can use infrared, if distance longer you can use bluetooth or rf communication. If all motors are in one place you can controll them with one mcu. With all communication methods you can use UART. Cheapest realization would be using IR diodes.
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Hi, ideally infrared is not really suited for this project but if all else fails then i may have to go forward with that as the option... When i questioned about this project previously, bluetooth was determined to be not suitable due to exessive cost and necessary power needed to support... although i did focus on BLE maybe other bluetooth solutions are more appropriate?... In my opinion RF seems to be the road to go down, but like i said i am open to options as you guys may have more appropriate solutions... mcu is not possible due to motors being seperate... I have not seen or heard of UART before so will research briefly now to gain further understanding. Thanks if you have 10 separated motors,you need 10 MCU! RF modules are cheaper than bluetooth. And other thing, if every motor will have separate bluetooth,every time you need to connect with it. I think here infrared is best for short and RF for long distances. And with who you will controll motors wirelessly? Phone? Pc? Master MCU?
Right thanks... Preferably a master MCU would be most appropriate... SO lets say I go down to route with the RF, how would I go about this? what is my first step to create the project? What do I need materials wise?
You need as many RF receivers and MCU as motors. Also one master MCU and RF transmitter. Hm..maybe buttons for every motor command. If you know nothing about uart, or you have no programming skils, it will challenge to you. Firstly do it with one motor.
Thankyou for taking time to explain this to me, i will now watch videos to research and learn how to communicate between microcontrollers with uart
The item shown in the link above is not the same as what I am aiming to achieve however similar.... I do want a remote that controls 12 recievers however the receivers need to be completely seperate and have the ability to be moved constantly away from one another and not stuck to a main board all together
Oh, okay. You will probably have to build it yourself then with a microcontroller on the transmitter to transmit a unique code to each receiver which will also need a microcontroller to interpret the code.
