Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Yea! Another one read the contract!


Crash Gordon

Heheheee...must be my week for snapping them away from Brinkley Bothers.

Tiny system 2 doors and glassbreak in a mom & pop store. Down and dirty 600
wireless clams. People told me no...too much money, that was Tues night.
Then I told them I'd lease it to them for 299 down and 50 bucks a month (
what the heck right?).

They "interviewed" two other companies yesterday Alotof Damn Trouble and
Brinkley Bothers...lady called me this morning as says I got the job...and
that I was right about Brinkley Bothers Alarm (she read the contract)

They went for the 600/24 price...good decision.

So that's three in two weeks...putting them all in this weekend.


Crash said:
Heheheee...must be my week for snapping them away from Brinkley

Tiny system 2 doors and glassbreak in a mom & pop store. Down and
dirty 600 wireless clams. People told me no...too much money, that
was Tues night. Then I told them I'd lease it to them for 299 down
and 50 bucks a month ( what the heck right?).

They "interviewed" two other companies yesterday Alotof Damn Trouble
and Brinkley Bothers...lady called me this morning as says I got the
job...and that I was right about Brinkley Bothers Alarm (she read the

They went for the 600/24 price...good decision.

So that's three in two weeks...putting them all in this weekend.

You go.

the hoople

Crash said:
Heheheee...must be my week for snapping them away from Brinkley Bothers.

Tiny system 2 doors and glassbreak in a mom & pop store. Down and dirty 600
wireless clams. People told me no...too much money, that was Tues night.
Then I told them I'd lease it to them for 299 down and 50 bucks a month (
what the heck right?).

They "interviewed" two other companies yesterday Alotof Damn Trouble and
Brinkley Bothers...lady called me this morning as says I got the job...and
that I was right about Brinkley Bothers Alarm (she read the contract)

They went for the 600/24 price...good decision.

So that's three in two weeks...putting them all in this weekend.
you must have an unfair advantage from binkys ip illegally gotten from
frank. cableguy's coming after u next..

Crash Gordon

oh yeah, that's where they store all their patented sales info right?

Crash Gordon

<I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe>
| Crash Gordon wrote:
| > Heheheee...must be my week for snapping them away from Brinkley Bothers.
| >
| > Tiny system 2 doors and glassbreak in a mom & pop store. Down and dirty
| > wireless clams. People told me no...too much money, that was Tues night.
| > Then I told them I'd lease it to them for 299 down and 50 bucks a month
| > what the heck right?).
| >
| > They "interviewed" two other companies yesterday Alotof Damn Trouble and
| > Brinkley Bothers...lady called me this morning as says I got the
| > that I was right about Brinkley Bothers Alarm (she read the contract)
| >
| > They went for the 600/24 price...good decision.
| >
| > So that's three in two weeks...putting them all in this weekend.
| >
| >
| >
| you must have an unfair advantage from binkys ip illegally gotten from
| frank. cableguy's coming after u next..

Bob La Londe

Crash Gordon said:
oh yeah, that's where they store all their patented sales info right?

So I have always wondered, "With a name like Crash Gorden is your wingman
named Impale Arden?"


Heheheee...must be my week for snapping them away from Brinkley Bothers.

Tiny system 2 doors and glassbreak in a mom & pop store. Down and dirty 600
wireless clams. People told me no...too much money, that was Tues night.
Then I told them I'd lease it to them for 299 down and 50 bucks a month (
what the heck right?).

They "interviewed" two other companies yesterday Alotof Damn Trouble and
Brinkley Bothers...lady called me this morning as says I got the job...and
that I was right about Brinkley Bothers Alarm (she read the contract)

They went for the 600/24 price...good decision.

So that's three in two weeks...putting them all in this weekend.

Crash Gordon

<I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe>

I've shown it to every person I've done an estimate for and will
continue. I haven't gone to an association meeting yet. But I plan to
tell everyone whats going on and will hand them out to others. It's
one of the greatest selling tools I've seen in quite a number of

Wonder if Cableman knows how to spell Grassroots.

I don't know if I ever mentioned this here before, but about a year
before Blinky started pulling themselves up out of their then, almost
complete oblivion, I was at an ASIS conference in Atlanta. One of
their reps, whom I'd met a number of times on various committies,
introduced me to who ever it was at the time who was the VP heading up
"a new national venture". Because of the experience I had in marketing
to large corpoations, he wanted me to interview for an "executive"
position to help get it off the ground. Only because I didn't want to
move to Texas, I declined. I often wonder what if .........

But, as it turns out, I was always more of a "hands on" guy and in the
long run "this" venture was more appealing to me, then a three piece

Hey, I'm thinking that I could have turned out to be the VP in charge
of the Jim Rojas case ! :))))

Crash Gordon

Holy sheet. I put that little store in today, and the shop owner told me
Brinkley was $1400.00 for two wireless xmtrs and one pir. First off I'd not
install a pir in a basket shop because of all the BALLOONS hovering around
in there...but 1400 smackers - now that's a rip.

Crash Gordon

<I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe>
| Crash Gordon wrote:
| > Heheheee...must be my week for snapping them away from Brinkley
| > Bothers.
| >
| > Tiny system 2 doors and glassbreak in a mom & pop store. Down and
| > dirty 600 wireless clams. People told me no...too much money, that
| > was Tues night. Then I told them I'd lease it to them for 299 down
| > and 50 bucks a month ( what the heck right?).
| >
| > They "interviewed" two other companies yesterday Alotof Damn Trouble
| > and Brinkley Bothers...lady called me this morning as says I got the
| > job...and that I was right about Brinkley Bothers Alarm (she read the
| > contract)
| >
| > They went for the 600/24 price...good decision.
| >
| > So that's three in two weeks...putting them all in this weekend.
| You go.
| --
| js
| - The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
| ( Also, the harder they bite, punch, and kick.)


Crash said:
Holy sheet. I put that little store in today, and the shop owner told
me Brinkley was $1400.00 for two wireless xmtrs and one pir. First
off I'd not install a pir in a basket shop because of all the
BALLOONS hovering around in there...but 1400 smackers - now that's a

Yikes! I thought their deal was $295 and a gazilion dollars a month. Yeah,
forget about custom design, it's 2 sensors and a PIR whether you want it or
not. Never mind the false alarms.

Robert L Bass

BDEBJ said:
trust me...

I would, except you work for Brinks. That precludes even a remote
possibility of trust.
he lied to you....

Whereas you don't? Yeah, right.
only way it could have come to that amount would be if he paid for
the install, and all 3 yrs up front....

Or if the Brinks salesliar thought he could get away with it.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Crash Gordon

I'm thinking the same thing too. He showed me the bottom line but I didn't
get a chance to read the entire contract. I have a feeling that it's because
it's a tiny mom&pop high risk new business (I give the place 8 months to
stick around too) that it was t he only way they'd do business with them
(the shop).

Crash Gordon

<I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe>
| trust me, he lied to you....only way it could have come to that amount
| would be if he paid for the install, and all 3 yrs up front....
| | > Holy sheet. I put that little store in today, and the shop owner told me
| > Brinkley was $1400.00 for two wireless xmtrs and one pir. First off I'd
| > not
| > install a pir in a basket shop because of all the BALLOONS hovering
| > in there...but 1400 smackers - now that's a rip.
| >
| >
| >
| > --
| >

Frank Olson

BDEBJ said:
i've never lied about anything, you murderer.

Next he'll accuse you of not even being in the trade. Then, your mother
and father will somehow get involved with alcohol and the sex trade.
And finally, he'll tell everyone how he's seen you beating little kids
in a parking lot with a hammer.

There is no east tunnel.

Robert L Bass

BDEBJ said:
yea, you know what you're talking have no fucking
clue about anything except how to rip people off, and how to kill're good at that...

If I was one tenth the dangerous guy you claim you'd be dead. Life
is too short to waste it on rage. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Frank Olson

Robert said:
If I was one tenth the dangerous guy you claim you'd be dead.

"One tenth" doesn't quite cover it though, does it? I doubt there's
many people out there that can say they've actually been directly
responsible for the death of another human being. No matter how you
slice it, Bass, what you did was reprehensible, not to mention
criminally negligent. And your "record" doesn't stop there, does it? I
doubt there's many people out there that have actually threatened
another human being with a gun. Then there's the lies you've told. I'm
not just talking about the harmless ones you've repeated "ad nauseum" in
the various newsgroups you participate it, but the ones where you've
taken the time to fabricate and carefully craft a "line of attack"
that's designed to create serious misgivings between the person you've
focused this attack on and THEIR EMPLOYER. No matter how you slice it
Bass, you're a piece of flotsam most people should do their best to avoid.

Life is
too short to waste it on rage. :^)

Life is also "to short" to waste on trying to deal with people like you.
There comes a time when we just have to confront the fact that there
are people like you that are simply incorrigible and beyond all hope of
redemption. I pity you, Bass. You think "respect" is somehow tied into
how much money you spend on your website(s), or your search engine
ranking, or how much product you carry.

What support have *you* offered Jim Rojas? Even your "friend" Bob
Campbell has done significantly more than you. What exactly was your
contribution, other than accusing me of being a "coward" (because you
were too STUPID to refresh your browser from the last time you visited
my website)? Heck, you're so pathetic you don't even have the courage
to apologize. Keep shoveling the bullshit, Bass. There isn't a single
person here that would even take the time to send your wife a condolence
card when that malignancy in your chest you call a heart finally quits.

Robert L Bass

and on stupid people like you

Heh, heh, heh... :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

BDEBJ said:
i may send her a "how does it feel to be free?" card...

You assume you'll still be here when I'm gone. Your predecessor made
the same assumption.
and maybe invite her for a drink to celebrate!!!

She doesn't drink but I'll let her know you're interested. Somehow I
doubt you'd get to first base though. She's a bit more
discriminating than that.
i'm sure she's just COUNTING the days until bASS falls over

Maybe so. Maybe not. We just got back from a wonderful vacation
together in Brazil. We have a lot of fun together. I wish her
English was better so she could have a good laugh reading your daily
oh what a great day THAT will be!!!

Depends if you live to see it. You never know. Meanwhile, I'm
having a great time doing whatever I like. In a few days I'll be in
the Amazon jungle, fishing for trophy (well, maybe not quite)
peacocks. You ought to try it someday if you can afford it. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Frank Olson

Nathan said:
thank you. its difficult to tell the intentions of some. by labelling mr.
bass as a "murderer" (and given that he isnt in prison) i thought perhaps he
was involved in a defensive shooting or something and the poster in question
was anti-gun or something.

"mr. bass" fell asleep at the wheel. Someone that gets behind the wheel
of an automobile when he *knows* he's tired is criminally negligent.
"mr. bass" also threatened another person with a gun (was convicted of
that crime and sentenced to five years probation). The latter crime was
committed in Florida the very same year he set up a security company in
Connecticut. He did this without the proper licensing too. "mr. bass"
has flouted social mores, local laws and ordinances for most of his
life. He recently had to stop selling monitoring contracts because he
lacked the proper licensing in Florida.