Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Yamaha RX-V550 will not start from standby

Hi. My (4 years old) RX-V550 will suddenly not start by from standby. If I detach the power cable from the 230V outlet and re-attatch it, it will start but all settings are gone. Setting the reciever into stanby, it will start but only if I try within a couple of hours. If I wait overnight it will not start, unless redoing the powercable sequence. :confused:
- Does not power up using remote or button on front panel.
- Does power up after out/in with the power cable.
- After this it will work OK within a couple of hours. It starts and settings are OK.
- After 12-24h I need to restart with out/in of power cable.

Please, if anyone has a suggestion, help is needed!
/Kent (located in Sweden)