Maker Pro
Maker Pro

World Clock Color Change

We are looking to buy Clocks that display the time of certain countries.
The clocks need to change color from green to red at a certain time and red to green at a different time.

The idea being, we want to see when our international markets are open or closed.
When a market is open, that clock would display in green. If it is closed, it displays in red.
We need to be able to set what time the clocks turn red and green.

Anyone know where we can find these clocks?
One way could be to modify an alarm clock that has dual alarms. Have one alarm trigger the red LEDs and the other trigger the green ones.

Otherwise, you'd need a clock that can provide a time output to something like a microcontroller, at which point you might as well just have the micro do the clock and the colors.
Why not just buy a 24 hour clock and paint the dials yourself. You can then also stencil the country/city at the same time. To stop confusion you could also remove the minute hand.