Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wiring power switch on PN64

Hey everyone, just joined the forum:) Hoping to get a little bit of assistance where I have confusion in wiring. The project I am working on is portabalizing a Nintendo 64. I've done a good deal of it already, dismantled, wired step down regulator, wired screen and batteries, etc. I've gotten to a part where I'm a bit unsure of what to do. It is wiring the power switch. I got it from Radio Shack and I know it's the kind that other people have used in the same type of project. I'll attach photos to show which switch and the diagram I am going by. It is a slider switch with 3 levels, meaning there are a total of six pins. One on each side for each position of the switch. I'm wondering, for each connection do I need to wire to all six pins of the switch or just three? Thanks a bunch.


  • untitled-1.jpg
    19.5 KB · Views: 264
  • on off switch.JPG
    on off switch.JPG
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Harald Kapp

For the schematic you've shown us you need to connect only three pins, but you have to use the pins on the same side (either th eleft three pins or the right three pins). The left and right sets of pins are independent. You can easily verify this with a multimeter.



It is a slider switch with 3 levels, meaning there are a total of six pins. One on each side for each position of the switch. I'm wondering, for each connection do I need to wire to all six pins of the switch or just three? Thanks a bunch.

NOTE its's only a 2 position switch, not 3 taking your right hand pic of the switch...
either the centre and top contacts are connected OR the centre and bottom contacts are connected


Harald Kapp

That is not what Dave wrote. Of course you can. The switch has two contact groups with three pins for each group. Within each contact group the center pin is the common pin and is either connected to the pin to left of it or to the pin to the right of it. This makes two switch positions: left and right. Just take the switch in your hands and check it.

Wait, maybe I am ewrong in my labeling? It is an AC power supply for a Playstation 1. I'm feeding that into the charge jack and the charge jack to the switch. Is that bad? It turns on fine. Thanks