Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Windows 10...opinions?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I'm happy with the upgrade to win10 as is my sister-in-law who upgraded her laptop.

My sister-in-law initially had some issues with "facebook games" but they eventually fixed themselves.

I'm running win10 on a small laptop that I was given. It was running win8.1 and I didn't like it much. win 10 is less worse.

I haven't come across any win 10 limitations, probably because it only gets used for browsing the internet.
win 10 is less worse.
This is probably my favourite quote from you so far Steve xD
To each their own... Windows 10 is relatively new, and will suffer from bugs.... heck, Windows 7 would regularly HARD crash on my when I dragged and dropped my Windows Media Center window from my Primary display to my Seconday.
I'm not particularly fond of it due to feeling like my family jewels are in a vice by the 'need' to run windows because support for other operating systems is either non existent or so buggy that it can't be used.
I know there are alternative apps for almost anything you want to do... but in the world of business and manufacturing, you will be lucky to find a cross-platform application that is easy for staff to use and reliable enough to use in a business environment without requiring a computer tech on the full-time pay-roll.