Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Windows 10...opinions?

So who else out there is using 10? I installed it today just to see what it was all about. I did not have any real problems on my PC (Alienware M18xR2) except for my security software. I use Comodo internet security and I had to uninstall and reinstall it. Windows would not let the installer run due to it thinking it had adware inside the installer. I had to uncompress the installer to a folder and locate the .msi package to get it back on my PC.

Other than that, it runs about like Windows 8.1 Pro. A half dozen of one or 6 of the other. <--- Did I say that right? LOL!
and that is why I personally wont be installing Win10 ... button apps like that are for my smartfone, not my main home/business puter


You have until July to get it free from what I have read. Also, if you do install it, you have 30 days to decide if it is right for you. If you don't like it, you can revert to the way it was before installation. I can confirm that the 'revert' works well. I installed it on my Son's computer and had lots of trouble. I reset it to the way it was before and all is well.
From all the reports I have read, its still a work in progress. The entire software industry seems to be moving to a subscription base such that the end user will no longer own the software, just the right to use it for the paid for time period. To me this is scary and a great way for the manufacturers to control their revenue base.. sucks for us since we won't have an option of opting out - they will claim that they do it so that our software is up to date, more robust, stable, blah, blah...

Ownership equals freedom.

If I choose to use office '03 for two decades ;-) so be it, especially if it does what I need, but for them - that is a one time sale.
But this is not good for their profits! Adobe is doing it from what I recall with photoshop and some of their other products also.

Beware the Cloud!
I'll be honest...
I've gone from Win98SE to XP to Win7. I won't use ME, Vista, or 8.0. ME and Vista are horrible in their own right and I quickly grew tired of the issues. Windows8.X flavours don't suit me very well... I consider myself a bit of an industrial computer user who tries to focus on the utility and use more than cosmetics and 'ease of use' ... because unfortunately making something easy and foolproof for my grandparent's complicates the crap out of trying to do anything out of the ordinary with the machine.
I don't need to go into more detail about that one... as you had to go digging for an MSI file to install your 'trusted' software.
I've been called paranoid for a long while now when it comes to Windows, iOS, and Android, but at this point in time it's too late to do anything about it. Everything is cloud based, or provided in a form of subscription. Hence the abbreviations in the IT world such as SaaS. Software as a Service. Things are no longer being installed locally, but served online with evolving Terms of Use and Servive. Anyway... enough of that rant, and back to Win10 . I've recommended against using it for a number of security concerns. I realize it's still a work in progress, but the access that MS retains over user data is scary. Do a quick search for privacy concerns and you will find a number of articles outlining ways to try to stop many of these built in spyware like services.
Lucky for us, programs are moving away from windows and into online services and subscriptions... It's a double-edged sword, but will soon make it much easier to remove the requirement to have windows based machines in the home or work environment. Any machine with a supported browser will work, and this includes *Nix variations, windows and Mac. Freedom is coming for those who want it, but for those of us who think that 'free' truly is free, and are never bothered to read terms of use... well, I won't ruin the surprise.

This is a facebook demotivational poster... but it applies everywhere.


I'll be honest...
I've gone from Win98SE to XP to Win7. I won't use ME, Vista, or 8.0. ME and Vista are horrible in their own right and I quickly grew tired of the issues. Windows8.X flavours don't suit me very well... I consider myself a bit of an industrial computer user who tries to focus on the utility and use more than cosmetics and 'ease of use' ... because unfortunately making something easy and foolproof for my grandparent's complicates the crap out of trying to do anything out of the ordinary with the machine.

I went that same path too but started a little earlier in windows somewhere around 3.2 from memory
and my thoughts about 2000, ME, vista and 8.x echo yours completely

I thought I would throw in my experience.

I upgraded one of my computers from windows 7 to 10 when the free upgrade came out. Everything went fine in the installation, but when windows 10 booted for the first time my antivirus was uninstalled (I'm using McAfee). The windows 10 compatibility checker had previously told me that all my software would work with windows 10 without any trouble.

So I tried to reinstall it and it said there was already a copy running. After calling text-support they figured out that there was still one McAfee file on my computer after windows 10 "uninstalled" it. So after deleting the file it installed okay.

Next I started heavily using it to see if I could find anything that wasn't working right. While watching a youtube video the whole computer crashed and I had to turn it off by holding down the power button. After some research it appears that it was because of the graphics card driver. But I was running the most recent one available, which was issued in 2011! So after some thought, I decided to downgrade back to windows 7 - but my time was already up! :confused:

Just for reference the computer is a Latitude D630.

I have decided not to upgrade my main computer to windows 10 - mostly because of all the hassle and the worthless "compatibility" checker. Windows 7 is just fine for me. :cool:
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My recently-purchased lappy came with Win8.1, which is all apps-and-buttons-oriented and pretending to be a tablet. I didn't particularly like that, having been used to XP, so went for the Win10 offer. It installed without a hitch. No probs so far. It gives you the option of a tablet-mode display or a clasical desktop display.
My recently-purchased lappy came with Win8.1, which is all apps-and-buttons-oriented and pretending to be a tablet. I didn't particularly like that, having been used to XP, so went for the Win10 offer. It installed without a hitch. No probs so far. It gives you the option of a tablet-mode display or a clasical desktop display.
There is always the option of installing a classic style start-menu in Windows 8.X
So it's not 100% geared to pretend to be a tablet. I'm really looking forward to more office web apps though... I've been encouraging my grand-parents to use linux. I'd install something and make it 'look' like windows... ie, close, minimize, restore buttons and a start menu. They don't do anything other than internet-games and email. This would hopefully stop them from infecting themselves every couple weeks.
My two cents worth,
I still prefer XP. Although Win 7 does a good job, I use both.
Win 8 and 8.1 are useless unless you are of the touch screen generation.
I hate tiles. I want to control my computer not it control me!.
I will also never go for the free upgrade to win 10. As already mentioned above, after a year, a subscription will be inevitable. And your beloved computer will no longer switch on!!
Please enter your credit card details to continue using MY COMPUTER!!
Linux is the future.

My two cents worth,
I still prefer XP. Although Win 7 does a good job, I use both.
Win 8 and 8.1 are useless unless you are of the touch screen generation.
I hate tiles. I want to control my computer not it control me!.
I will also never go for the free upgrade to win 10. As already mentioned above, after a year, a subscription will be inevitable. And your beloved computer will no longer switch on!!
Please enter your credit card details to continue using MY COMPUTER!!
Linux is the future.

The big problem I have is loss of control over my hardware... (This topic can easily bleed over to Phones for Android users...)
Good luck convincing software vendors to write Linux compatible code though... That's one of the strongest driving forces for windows users... Will that printer work with linux, will word-perfect install in linux?
It's easier to stick with Windows than look for an alternative. Many times there is no alternative.
Anyone in any kind of manufacturing environment will know this to be true...
Hey Gryd3,
If you like being held to randsome.
There is always an alternative.
Many Linux users always ask the same.
Linux isn't windows. So don't expect it to behave the same. It will do more than Windows will ever allow the individual to do.
There are more gui's for Linux than Windows. So the Dev's are working on it.
It is a shame for dedicated windows users. You are owned!!!!

Hey Gryd3,
If you like being held to randsome.
There is always an alternative.
Many Linux users always ask the same.
Linux isn't windows. So don't expect it to behave the same. It will do more than Windows will ever allow the individual to do.
There are more gui's for Linux than Windows. So the Dev's are working on it.
It is a shame for dedicated windows users. You are owned!!!!

I very much dislike being held ransom...
That's the reason I've been running Debian and RedHat linux variations on most of my machines.
Unfortunately though, there are a couple utilities that are required for my work that will not work in Linux... native or through something like wine. (In this case a Windows VirtualMachine usually does well ;) )
I very much dislike being held ransom...
That's the reason I've been running Debian and RedHat linux variations on most of my machines.
Unfortunately though, there are a couple utilities that are required for my work that will not work in Linux... native or through something like wine. (In this case a Windows VirtualMachine usually does well ;) )

Maybe you can use a virtual machine to run windows on your linux machines.
I used Clonezilla to make a backup of my hard drive before I installed 10. I didn't know about the downgrade feature but at least I have an image of the C:/> drive.
Yeah, I did also (in fact, I actually used Clonezilla to back it up too!).

But from what I have read, Microsoft actually deletes your license of Windows 7 after 30 days. So if I reverted my computer back to a saved image, I would be scared that Windows would want me to buy another license. Since I don't use that computer much, it wouldn't really be worth it.
That's exactly what I do. VirtualBox works great on a linux host with windows inside and has a number of features to make the virtual windows install feel like the actual computer.

VirtualBox is good stuff. Have not used it a lot but it would be my go-to for a VM.