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Maker Pro

Why is'nt anyone talking about KAYAKS

  • Thread starter Jeffrey f mcmonagle
  • Start date

Jeffrey f mcmonagle

What happened to Kayaks? is'nt this the group for paddling? Go blow
political bullshit out your ass in some other group. Up on the N'east coast,
it's starting to get warmer. If temps continue, I'm shooting for late March
to hit the water!

Dan Best

If you're gonna rant about off topic (non-kayak) posts, you might want
toconsider NOT crossposting it to other groups ;-)

Don White

Jeffrey f mcmonagle said:
What happened to Kayaks? is'nt this the group for paddling? Go blow
political bullshit out your ass in some other group. Up on the N'east coast,
it's starting to get warmer. If temps continue, I'm shooting for late March
to hit the water!

I've been thinking about a kayak for a while. Being a bit chunky, I'd favour
a 'sit on top' but our water is cold year round.
You'd pretty well need some type of 'wet suit'.
I wonder how often people capsize/fall out of their 'sea kayaks'.

John R Weiss

Don White said:
I've been thinking about a kayak for a while. Being a bit chunky, I'd favour
a 'sit on top' but our water is cold year round.
You'd pretty well need some type of 'wet suit'.
I wonder how often people capsize/fall out of their 'sea kayaks'.

I've capsized once unintentionally -- trying to enter it in shallow water. I
have yet to capsize while underway.

However, I have practiced wet re-entries just off our beach -- it's an
eye-opening experience!

Yes, a wet suit or dry suit is a VERY good idea if you're going offshore (beyond
easy swimming/towing distance from the shore) or without an escort boat and/or
in cold water.

Don White

My other concern is sitting in an almost flat position for a length of time.
I guess the trick is to stay within a reasonable distance of land so you can
get out and stretch on occasion.

Ed Price

Jeffrey f mcmonagle said:
What happened to Kayaks? is'nt this the group for paddling? Go blow
political bullshit out your ass in some other group. Up on the N'east coast,
it's starting to get warmer. If temps continue, I'm shooting for late March
to hit the water!

Perhaps you were looking for for this post?



the weather here in Chesapeake Virginia is mid 70s this week hope to be on
the water all day sunday . This will be the third time this year ive been on
the water . I hope you get to paddle soon. "modervador"