Maker Pro
Maker Pro

why is the effective mass of holes greater than that of electrons



I have a doubt
It is said that the effective mass of holes are greater than that of
electrons .. A hole is a said to be a " lack of electon "....therefore a
hole is not a particle ..Then how come a hole have higher effetive mass than
an electron

[email protected]

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Dick Locke

I have a doubt
It is said that the effective mass of holes are greater than that of
electrons .. A hole is a said to be a " lack of electon "....therefore a
hole is not a particle ..Then how come a hole have higher effetive mass than
an electron

[email protected]

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Kevin G. Rhoads

effective mass

"effective" mass is not the particle mass, it is a convenient fiction
whcih accounts for the presence of the lattice or other surrounding media.

The "effective" mass of an electron in a silicon lattice is
the mass the electron would have to have to behave the same
way in the absence of the lattice. THis allows one to use
fairly simple free-particle in vacuum types of calculations
on particles embedded in media, and account for the presence
of the media.

If that is not at least slightly clearer than mud, ask again.

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