I have the notifications ticked but I do not get e-mails about any replies to threads I watch. I was not notified about your reply.
Here is a copy of my preferences:
I notified eerob but got no reply.
Bertrus, my Spambox has email notifications of your replies here but not from eerob and not from anybody else.
I get no email notifications of any threads I am active on here.
I have started a conversation with eerob and pointed him to this thread.
If some emails get stuck in the spambox, add the wanted adresses to the address book of the email program.
I would make sure to "train" Gmail by clicking the "Not Spam" button on each of the emails.
You can also set-up a filter to make sure emails from `[email protected]` are not sent to spam.
Open one of the emails from electronicspoint--
I will see if I can do anything on my end to try to have them not sent to Spam
All email notifications from this site were in my SPAM folder but none from other forums. I clicked on "not junk" for each of many of the emails in the SPAM folder and hopefully future emails from here will not become SPAM.
I have started a conversation with eerob and pointed him to this thread.
If some emails get stuck in the spambox, air cushion machineadd the wanted adresses to the address book of the email program.