Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Which software

Yenka with the PICAXE drivers or PICAXE VSM?

I like Yenka but it annoys me when I can't specify values when there standard IC's or other companions are not of the same spec.

Never used PICAXE VSM.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If I were you, I'd try PICAXE VSM and then decide for yourself. (They're both free, right?)

It's really hard for us to know which one you'd prefer. Yenka seems interesting and has integrated PCB design (so I hear) which is pretty cool.
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It looked to me like there was a version of yenka free for home use (non-commercial).

Even if it limits you to "after school hours", I'm sure that anything you print out won't magically vanish when the school bell rings.

I design my own PCBs, so I've never looked at the design stuff for PICAxe.

edit: I've only used their free development tools. I wasn't aware that they now sold the software development tools. That changes my opinion of them a bit...
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I like the idea of building your circuit in simulation first, even to get the basics figured out, saves burning out IC's or other components. More so when learning new things as you can test them out without having to get out the soldering iron.

Regarding the PC I didn't know it wouldn't work inside school hours so 30mins before I went to RS I tried to print. I haven't touched it since as it said if I went on the 30 day trial I would have access all day, so I clicked and my 30 days are up. Ill have a look for the version you speak of thank you.