Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Which PicBasic Software To Use?


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
oops my fault I didn't notice the quote was in response to the other poster.

I also agree wrt small devices(less than 18 pins) but even then mostly low pin count devices are low on ram/rom and probably aren't ideal for a compiler anyway.

As for the IDE. I like it, the code browser on the left is really good.
For example if you type in

Include "shift.bas"

The shift module will appear immediately in the code browser showing the includes, subs and constants/vars.
if you click on the sub the module will open to allow you to brows the code if you then scroll to the top this particular module has some assembly embedded inline.

The compiler also directly supports usb and graphical lcd's which i've used many times.


So, I see it wasn't just me! Now I see how this happened. Good to know because it proves that I really don't have to cut back on my Christmas cheer! :D

No argument about the limitations of smaller PICs but I have no PIC projects on the fire. I've been a Picaxe fan for some years now but even with them my main activity is aiding members with their Picaxe projects. My main reason for researching PicBasic compilers is to use the asm code to plug into my spice simulator TINA, which does not support Picaxe chips but does support PICs. Unfortunately TINA doesn't have their own Basic editor. Instead, they provide a flowchart programmer, which I find too elementary. I figure it's time to move up to blank PICs so I won't be restricted to participating in only Picaxe threads. ;)

Plugin's: Since Swordfish provides for this I wonder if other PIC families can be integrated into the Swordfish that way?

Since downloading swordfish I've been playing with it and the more I use it the more I like it. The IDE is intuitive and very user friendly. And yes, the Include "name" is very nice! That said, I have a feeling that no single compiler is going get my 5 star rating of the do all, un-bloated Basic editor/compiler. However, if Swordfish did cover most PIC families I doubt that I would ever use anything else. It's clean, clean, clean!



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3

The mE compiler runs on both 32 and 64 bits
I never had installation problems since 8 years using the compilers

If you unzipped it and run the setup.exe it should install automatically ,can you tell me a bit more what is happening with you on your machine.


P, I downloaded the zip again, but after extraction I copied the setup.exe to my old XP machine. It installed and threw no errors when opening it. Though, I did get an error when I tried to run "LedBlinking" in the examples folder. It said the DBG file was missing or something like that. I'm a pick and poke guy so I clicked "Rebuild All Sources" and "Viola" it ran OK after that.

MikroBasic is a much more robust, complicated and cluttered IDE than the Swordfish Editor/Compiler that I also downloaded. On the up side MBPro does have most PIC families covered.

I've been playing with it on the XP PC and like most things familiarity and skill comes with use. I'm sure this is an excellent app and I will master it. I do like the VB-esc IDE.

Second hour playing with it: Yeah, it doesn't take very long to get the feel of MBPro.

Yes, I know W7 will run a 32 or 64 bit app: When I install it on W7 I'd like to put it in the x86 program folder if it's 32 bit. If it's 64 bit I'd put it in the 64 bit Program folder. Your reply doesn't answer this though and I'm unsure if windows gives a damn which folder it's located in. I doubt it but I'd like to be certain.

Edit: I guess the fact that MBPro installed on XP it must be a 32 bit app. On the other hand it's not impossible for the installer to contain both 32 and 64 bit versions of the app that auto detects your system prior to selecting the installation address.

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MikroBasic is a much more robust, complicated and cluttered IDE than the Swordfish Editor/Compiler that I also downloaded. On the up side MBPro does have most PIC families covered.

Chris it is a professional compiler/Tool it needs all that stuff in the IDE to beable to do all the things a person should or could with a PIC uC.
However you can have only the Editor by removing the Library and other windows from the IDE and access them when you need them from the File /tools menu .this way you have only the Editor and nothing else.

I am quite sure it contains both 32 and 64 bit app and install on auto detect.
but you could get an definite answer from mE support desk


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Hey, like I said, it didn't take long to feel my way around the IDE. I do like the app very much. From what I've seen thus far, it will be like an old friend in a very short time. ;)

Regarding the 32/64 bit issue,.. I'll ask them.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Good Luck Chris


Peter, this is my third re-install. This time I put it in my 64bit programs folder. No errors this time but the issue in the attached image, which I didn't mention before, still persists. I can't resize those windows!

So far my "enjoyment" quotient = 0 * 1 ! :(




  • Untitled.jpg
    104.6 KB · Views: 134
These windows are not sizable however tehy are big enough on my screen see attached.
you have to isntall it as administrator and turn the UAC (user control off in Win 7 /8) search the mE forum for how to do that if you do not know .

No problem if you do not like mE compiler IDE I work ok with it for many years maybe the swordfish would be better for you




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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
It's running fine on XP but not in W7/64bit. Windows are chopped off and now the error when starting MBP has returned. Also, when the installer reached the point of driver installations it only asked if a wanted to. I clicked yes but it really doesn't install them. It only creates a driver folder with, I think 4 installers. The user has to choose the correct one to use for the OS and run it via explorer. There was no message box or anything to prompt the user to do so. I wonder how many users think they've installed the drivers only to eventually discover that they only installed the driver installers?

BTW, when installing MBP on W7 the installer defaulted to putting it in my Public Documents folder. I have no idea why anyone would want to install a program, with all of its dependencies in a documents folder. :confused: As I said, I didn't put it there.

All the parts, including the drivers have been installed on the XP/32b machine with no apparent errors or issues 'that I know of'. I guess I'll be forced to use MBP on that PC only. I'm simply too burnt out to keep battling with it on W7.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
These windows are not sizable however tehy are big enough on my screen see attached.
you have to isntall it as administrator and turn the UAC (user control off in Win 7 /8) search the mE forum for how to do that if you do not know .



I missed this post. However this is a hell of a time to find this out. It sure would have been helpful to know this prior to my third try at installing it! Are you saying that you knew this? My registry is probably a mess by now. :(

I missed this post. However this is a hell of a time to find this out. It sure would have been helpful to know this prior to my third try at installing it! Are you saying that you knew this? My registry is probably a mess by now.

I found this out avery long time ago when I starded to use win 7 and forgot about it totally
only realized it could be the problem when I saw the chopped off windows



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I found this out avery long time ago when I starded to use win 7 and forgot about it totally
only realized it could be the problem when I saw the chopped off windows


I uninstalled it for the third and final time. I will also do a system restore just to be sure!

I'm saddling up Trigger and going for a very, very long ride. I hope to be thinking about nothing more than dodging motorists and buzzards!


Harald Kapp

Chris, in case you have Win 7 professional, you can download and install the so called "XP mode" free of charge. This is in effect a virtual PC running Windows XP. It is seamlessly integrated into Windows 7. Once the virtual PC is installed and running, you can install XP programs and run them within a window that looks like a Windows 7 window. I used this method successfully twice.

Officially the XP mode is not supported on the WIn 7 home premium version. But there are obviously ways to get it running there, too. You'll have to Google that (my Google serach returns only results in German, probably useless to you).

Since the IDE now sees a real Windows XP, all Windows 7 related issues should be gone.
However, until now I could get almost all programs that worked on XP to work on Win 7, too, by tweaking the settings of the compatibility mode.
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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Harald, that's the "What the hell is going on here" question. Since I've had this W7 laptop I've installed plenty of 32 bit apps with absolutely no issues. W7 64bit is supposed to be able to run 32 bit apps seamlessly. The only issue that I was aware of was the older 16bit apps like VB6 that must be run in Virtual (XP Mode). Unfortunately, my W7 version is Home Premium.

I think,... no.. I know what's got me ticked off. After my last post I went back and scoured the MikroBasic website to see if I missed any information regarding OS applicability. Or any W7 caveats. I found nothing. Even if I missed it and it's there, it certainly isn't hiding in plain sight. After years of downloading software I think most of us have grown very accustomed to the standard company statements, "SuperAppX installs on W98, XP, W2000, Vista, etc. Click here for MAC users"

I was seriously considering purchasing MBP but there's that old saying about first impressions. Whether they're accurate or not they're indelibly burned into your opinion. I'd be going ballistic if I'd paid for it.

I emailed the MB help desk and it should be fun reading the reply. I was not flattering in my assessment of the MBP experience. Most of what I commented on in this reply was included with my rants to them.

And yes, I did try compatibility mode but most of what I tried made things worse.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Guys you really have to check this out. I know nothing about this software but a little bit of reading in any tab, button or link at this site is guaranteed to bring a smile. I've read Pigeon English before but this attempt at translation from Italian is hysterical! :D

Hey Chris, I was wondering if you are running different scaling in windows with the mikrobasic compiler as I just tried to install it and it seemed fine to me with windows 64bit, and I didn't install it with any special settings.
although it does seem very odd to install it to the C:\Users\Public\Documents\Mikroelektronika\mikroBasic PRO for PIC folder
It has been installing there since the first versions of Win 7 and thousands op people are running MBP from there with no problem,
In my opinion that is not the cause of the problem and I do find it starnge that many people including me run all mE compilers in 32 and 64 bit Win 7 and some in win 8 with no problems .I use the C compilers all 3 of them( PIC,dsPIC and PIC32) never had these problems .


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Ok guys, I received a reply from MB and I'm waiting for a second reply before I try another install.

I agree that the installation address shouldn't cause any of the problems I've experienced but I do like my apps/files filed in logical locations. Unless otherwise told not to by MB the next install will be in the Programs or Programs x86 directory.

In the interim I've been surfing through MBP's IDE on my XP PC and it really is awesome. Peter did say (I'm paraphrasing) that if I'm comfortable in VB6 I'll feel at home in MB. Well you're absolutely correct. It truly is a complete professional programmer but it's really much more than that. I really MUST install this on my W7 PC. It's just too damn good not to. If I can get my issues with W7 rectified I have little doubt that I'll fork out the dough to by the license key.

Peter, I have some questions for you. After a short while of reading through the libraries I can't help but think that I completely misunderstood what MBP is. I was laboring with the belief that MBP was a complete Editor/Compiler that used MicroChip's exact PBASIC language (syntax) library. Am I nuts or is MikroBasic it's own MikroBasic language? While I was in the language library I was reading through String Functions that are reminiscent of VB's string functions. Do these functions exist in PBasic? Yes, some of the MB syntax looks like PBasic but much of it doesn't. I don't think PBasic includes much of the powerful functions I see here in MB. On the other hand I haven't found a download that contains the latest (complete) list of the PBasic language.

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and finally in the interest of completeness there is also
it's written by the same guy who wrote swordfish, the reason I didn't post about it before is because its more like and I know how you like that ;)

I haven't used it but I was thinking about it because it's just started to support pic32.
As I understand it this isn't a stand alone compiler like swordfish it's a wrapper around the microchip c compiler. so its free I think the idea is that he will make money from the hardware, the boards are ardinio shield compatible which doesn't appeal to me as I make my own boards.
maybe have a look, it's hard to argue with free.