THE MikroElektronika BASIC compiler are good stuff ,you will not go wrong
I use their C compilers(now ANSI Compliant) in may) products I am very happy with mE
also you being use to VB you will have no problems using it
Yes, I was very impressed with the online documentation I've read. I also spent some time reading posts in their forums, which also appears quite thorough.
That would be a good idea too. There are some time critical things that are better done in ASM on PICs.
I do most of my programming in ASM for 8-bit PICS, have only used C for 16-bit ones.
I'll admit that my primary purpose for wanting a Basic compiler is to see the ASM instructions it produces. So, it will be primarily an ASM teaching aid for me. Heck, I only discovered (4 days ago) that all PIC data sheets provide the complete ASM instruction set for each chip. It was about the same time that I learned that ASM is a hardware specific language. That was a revelation to me!
The reason I'm wanting this is because my Spice simulator (Tina) provides a PIC Editor/Compiler in the form of a flowchart. I feel like a grade school student when using it though! On the upside it does have a Flowchart/ASM Code option to view the ASM that the flowchart generated. It's in the form of a Macro though, which (I think) produces far more ASM code than when entering the ASM code directly. On the other hand Tina will let me program directly in ASM or HEX and also edit LST files.
At this time I have absolutely no PIC projects planned. I'm interested in them because I want to participate more in this section of the forum. Up until now I've been locked into Picaxe threads exclusively.
Bob, I want you to know that I admire 'C' programmers because no matter how many times I consider learning it I find the syntax and the structure totally foreign. Actually, damn near alien. I think enduring a root canal (without anesthesia) would be more fun!