Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Where to find large analog current and voltage meters for education lab ?



We are looking for large analog meters that can be used with young students
to learn about electricity, voltage and current.

Seems like I remember seeing them with terminals for banana plugs or finger
tightening wires to the meter.

I did a quick Google but didn't see what I was looking for.

Does anyone here have any idea's?



Subject: Where to find large analog current and voltage meters for education
lab ?
From: "Will" [email protected]
Date: 4/12/2004 9:27 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

We are looking for large analog meters that can be used with young students
to learn about electricity, voltage and current.

Seems like I remember seeing them with terminals for banana plugs or finger
tightening wires to the meter.

I did a quick Google but didn't see what I was looking for.

Does anyone here have any idea's?


If you've got the analog meter, building a holder wih banana plugs is just a
matter of some simple sheet metal work. I would start with Surplus Sales of
Nebraska -- they've got a wide variety of surplus meters available for very
good prices, as well as red and black 5-way binding posts. Just get some
stick-on rubber feet, a little wire (also available there), and you're pretty
much good to go. You might be able to convince a shop teacher or somebody in a
tool room somewhere to knock off a dozen chassis for these meters for a case of
their favorite libation.

Good luck

Syd Rumpo

Will said:
We are looking for large analog meters that can be used with young students
to learn about electricity, voltage and current.

[Snip] under 'Test equipment and Power Supplies' then
'Educational Bench Meters'.


I don't know if they still have them, but Surplus Sales of Nebraska was
selling unused military surplus multimeters with decent sized scales a few
months ago. I think they were about $10-15 ea.


Walter Harley

Will said:
We are looking for large analog meters that can be used with young students
to learn about electricity, voltage and current.

There was a fellow selling 6" panel meters on this group just in the last
month or so.

House of Science ( had some, last I checked.


Another option might be if you hear about a school closure. They might have
some from their pysics lab.

If you can't find any then there is another trick that I used when presenting
my final project for my master's: Use a camera and display it all on large
screen. Was easy for me because my project consisted of designing a CCD camera,
so I didn't have to look for one. This was in the days when they cost through
the nose but now I guess even some sub-$100 web cams would do.

Regards, Joerg.

Wim Ton

Will said:
We are looking for large analog meters that can be used with young students
to learn about electricity, voltage and current.

Seems like I remember seeing them with terminals for banana plugs or finger
tightening wires to the meter.

I did a quick Google but didn't see what I was looking for.

Does anyone here have any idea's?

They often are offered on Ebay for very reasonable prices, although shipping
may be expensive.
