Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Where did this go?

I was researching the zilog z80, the chip that the present on the gameboy colour is based upon. I found this link. The page talks about this ability to print a processor on a sheet of glass, and the benefits of this technology. Did this ever go anywhere? This was a little behind my time, I was three when this was released.

I quote from the page that this opens the possibility of :"futuristic ultra-thin "sheet computers" and "sheet TVs."". If this technology is so old, why do we not have fully transparent computing devices, is it the disturbance that photons bring to semiconductor devices? Or is it something else?

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I don't know, but thinking practically, glass is pretty fragile for an expensive screen. dorke's flexible-plastic would seem to be more robust.
(Think of all those mobile devices that crack and become useless).
If they made a lot of glass screens for even desk-mount use, how many of them would be destroyed by shipping, handling, or accidents in a permanent location.
Besides, everybody thinks throw-away electronics and lower cost now. Maybe glass would still be used in high-tech lab applications, but knowing the college kids with
their '3-year old devices are obsolete' mentality anymore, they wouldn't be too careful with glass either.