Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What's the best way to learn any programming


I think it may be stupid question but thought it should be ask here. I know for learning any programming language we have to know about supported IDE. There are many sample code available on internet. Then we started to run some sample program to check results. After that we start to write our own program. I think, this is basic process of learning any programming language.

My question is that if I want to learn any language like c, c++ , java. what kind of programs we should start. I have tried to make list of a program s
  1. Write hello world ! program
  2. Write program to print your name
  3. Write program to print your age
  4. Write program (addition, subtraction)
  5. Write program to print value 1-10
  6. Write program to reverse (Number, string)
  7. Write program to check true or false condition
  8. write program to check while condition is true
This my list as per my experience. What will you recommend top 10 program for starting any programming language
(There are so many tutorials and links books available and someone can find easily so many programs but I am asking your choice )
I think C is a good language to learn.
I would start with a good book and start off with console as the output i.e. printing your name. Learning all the commands such as if-else, for loops, arrays, pointers, case statements, structures etc. This would give you a good grounding. I would get a copy of Turbo C and run in under DOSBOX. The first C book I got was #Learn C in 24 hours' by SAMS Publishing.

Then I would start off using a microcontroller (such as a PIC), use an IDE such as MPLAB, a PIC from the 16F series, PICKIT 3 (programmer) and learn how drive the I/O line s to say to light an LED, read a switch etc. This way you can see real world applications coming to life.

I hope that this helps
Despite it's limitations I tend to start with the Arduino. Simple to program with plenty of examples already included, and as the language is based on C it's easy to rewrite it to C proper, plus a strong following with loads of library's.
I'm partial to python and java. Python is probably one of the easiest languages to learn right next to Java.
Of course this is my opinion but a great many companies utilize it as it can be added to other languages to upgrade programming.

the best part it's open source so there are literally thousands of people who can help you with learning and plenty of free books and material to gain knowledge from.

If it's explicitly the teaching process that's entirely based on the teacher most start with your basic "hello world" then move to things like Boolean operators and functions and keep moving up from there.

some great resources you could look into to help you in your learning adventure
Those are just a few


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
as the language is based on C it's easy to rewrite it to C proper

The language is C++. It's not, as many people think, some Arduino language "like", or "based on" something else. After some fairly trivial modifications your sketch gets passed straight to a C++ compiler. See here. If you're so inclined, you can use other build environments with the same libraries, etc.

@vead, you need to learn by doing.

Remember that an arduino doesn't have a display, so if you want to "display" an output you will also need to write code to control the display you have connected (and know how to do that).

While the Arduino is tethered to the PC programming it you can sent debug messages back over the programming interface, and this is a great way of knowing what's going on inside your program.

Learning C++ on a PC is probably easier, and you can take your experience from there to other environments which require these C++ skills. C++ is not the fastest language nor is it the easiest to learn. However C++ it is pretty much the most universal language (java might come next).

Learn by doing. Regardless of what platform or language you choose, look at examples, understand them, change them to do different things, and write your own code. You can't learn to ride a bike by just reading a book, and similarly you can't learn to program without actually doing it.