Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What will happen for Electronics in future

Hi guys,

I always think what will happen for Electronics in say 100 other years? Are you think that the whole components would be replaced by modules or the changes will be beyond of our vision? I know that propebly we are not alive at that time, but I would like to know about the future of this hobby/industry....
components will probably continue to get smaller and smaller, microcontrollers will continue to replace a lot of other components and things like that.

If you look though at things like vaccuum tubes, they are not widely used and are considered antiquated but they are still used. I doubt that everything will change entirely, at least until they discover more efficient ways of doing things.

silicon will likely be replaced with graphene, and then with something else, there will be fewer and fewer power losses, etc etc

It really is difficult to say as new things are discovered every day.
If you ask such question to somebody, let's say, in the mid 40s (before the transistor was invented), he/she surely would tell you that vacuum tubes will become smaller and smaller.

If you ask a clock maker in the end of 19th Century, he would answer that the clocks would be smaller and smaller, and more efficients and with a lot of new functions.

I guess nobody can really imagine what would electronics would be 100 years from now. I guess that we can not even assure that electronics would exist by then. It could maybe be replaced by another science.

A friend of mine call that "futurology", Funny (no doubt) but unreallistic.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Miguel has really hit the nail on the head.

How can you predict the next paradigm shift? All you can do is extrapolate (if you can do any better, give me a call).

The best you can do is look at where research is heading.

Maybe some time ago I would have expected some replacement for Silicon would have taken over by now. Sure, there are options for some high frequency stuff, but nothing has yet done what silicon did to germanium.

Maybe today I would point at graphene. Is it going to be the next big thing, or some niche product, or will it fade away?

Maybe I could say "faster, smaller, cheaper", but that's only a motherhood proposition because "slower, larger, more expensive" is simply not going to fly.
I don't think so that the whole components would be replaced by modules, all the electronics will be upgraded with the passage of time and we find new and unique products in every new year.